COVID Plan Revision Coming

As the Dane County metrics continue to rise and we remain at the CovidActNow risk level of “very high,” JRUUC remains at Level 4 of our Covid-19 Strategic Plan. All activities are online or outdoors.

The COVID-19 Task Force is working on revising our strategic plan to better align with what science is learning about the virus and levels of risk for vaccinated people. We’re considering how our understanding of the virus and our behaviors in response to it have changed since the pandemic began, and are gearing our revisions toward minimizing risk rather than our earlier vision of simply keeping our community members from spreading the virus. Because the risk of serious illness and death has been shown to significantly decrease with vaccination, and vaccination is now available for all people above the age of 5 years, we’re re-thinking when we might open for in-person worship, small groups, and religious education, and we’re researching on what we should base our guidance. Our goal is to create gathering options for our congregation that both minimize the risk of serious illness or death due to COVID-19 and offer the pastoral and spiritual care needed by our members and friends. Keep your eye on this space for a link to a proposed rubric that we’re developing, and for invitations to listening sessions to hear your questions and concerns once the proposed rubric has been published.

There has been some transition on the Task Force, and it’s now made up of Elliott Flowers, Jocie Luglio, and Rev. Karen – please reach out to any of us if you’d like to share your questions and concerns any time.