Minister’s Musings – “Ongoing Conversations” 11/9/22

I always appreciate when y’all offer me opportunities for conversation about my Sunday morning reflections.  Ellie Connolly voiced concern that I didn’t address disenfranchisement of Native American voters when I talked about voting rights last week. 

She shared this information that I want to pass along to you: “I enjoyed your service yesterday but (and sorry about that) you did not mention the disenfranchisement of the First Nation people.  They were the last largish group to get the right to vote consistently and universally.  Pockets did but most people and tribes were deliberately not allowed.  And now because of where the reservations are (physically remote) they are being again systematically denied easy access to the voting booth…”  And then she offered this background: “When I was growing up, we spent all the summer in Amik WI whose name was changed to Gordon.  In the Buckhotn bar there was a sign that said “we do not serve to Indians and Minors”  …I asked the grandson of the bar owner this year about that and it was a WI and probably a US law to not serve First Nation.  His grandfather served them out the back door nor sometimes openly if it was “safe”.  When that changed is harder to tease out, for sure by 1985.” 

I apologized to Ellie for my oversight, and asked for her permission to share her words.  Thank you, Ellie!

In faith and love,

