Thinking of Becoming a Member?

Exploring Membership Class to go virtual this fall!

If you are new to James Reeb or a friend who is considering joining as a member, we invite you to participate in this two-part class (no one can stay on zoom for our typical 4-hour gathering!). 

In part one we will invite you to reflect on your spiritual path and learn about the Unitarian Universalist denomination. In part two we will talk about our JRUUC history, how our congregation is organized, and what it means to be a steward of our beloved community.

Participation does not commit you to joining, but it is important if you think this may be your path or you need help in the discernment process. The JRUUC Membership Team and Rev. Karen look forward to welcoming you.

In 2021 our class will be during the evenings of Nov. 14 and 16.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Mary Wagner at

More about what membership means