The Golden rule helps us remember that all of us have the same basic needs for food and shelter and safety, to love and be loved. But in this world of tremendous diversity, and among the diversity of this our beloved community, let’s also remember the Platinum Rule: “do unto others as they would do unto themselves.” [Image credit: Kirsten Johnson “Xmas at McCarthy Park]
Due to a family emergency, our originally scheduled speaker is not available today. We will instead share a reflection from UU minister Rev. Darcey Laine, along with our service elements on the themes of inclusion and widening our circles.
The Share the Plate recipient for February 2nd and 9th is the Pink Haven Coalition, which is founded and led by 2spirit, trans, and gender expansive people. to help people feeling legislative and state violence. In the face of all the anti-trans legislation of recent years they have already helped hundreds of people get to safer places with local support networks. The UU Service Committee and UUA are member organizations.
Share the Plate – click here to donate
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Order of Service
- Gathering Song “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
- Welcome
- Prelude “Longing for Home” by Sang Tong
- Call to Worship
- Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
- Centering in Beauty
- Shared Music “Come Sing a Song With Me” #346 (gray hymnal)
- Time for All Ages “Intersection Allies” by Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council, and Carolyn Choi
- Shared Music “Lift Every Voice and Sing” #149 (gray hymnal)
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions “No One Is Outside The Circle Of Love” by Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
- Reflection “The Platinum Rule” by Rev. Darcey Laine
- Offering “Waltz for Miles” by Valerie Capers
- Joys and Sorrows
- Shared Music “Break Not the Circle” #323 (gray hymnal)
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
Topics: Inclusion