Rev. Karen’s regular office hours are:

  • Tuesdays at Reeb 3:00 – 5:00 pm
  • Tuesdays on Zoom 5:00 – 6:00 pm – See weekly email for zoom link
  • Evenings and other times by appointment – Karen would love to meet with you, and it doesn’t have to be during office hours!  Please send her an email to set up a time.

And, as always, please call or text her if you have a pastoral emergency.

From Rev. Karen: Emailing me at is the best way for non-urgent things – I’ve cleared out my inbox and have committed to keeping it at “Inbox Zero” (no unread emails) so it will stay easy to manage. 

If you need to reach me more urgently, please call or text at my new dedicated Reeb number, 608-893-2146.  This will help me to maintain my personal phone as personal. 

I will continue my weekly schedule as you’ve been used to, with Mondays as my day off and Thursdays as my writing/study day, and will be only available for emergencies on those days.