Each month we focus on a different aspect of our faith and of our shared human experience throughout our congregational life. Below you will find our current and past themes along with links to information about or recordings of related worship services.

2024-25 Monthly Themes – Living Love through the practice of…

  • September – Invitation
  • October – Deep Listening
  • November – Repair
  • December – Presence
  • January – Story
  • February – Inclusion
  • March – Trust
  • April – Joy
  • May – Imagination
  • June – Freedom

Past Monthly Themes

  • Repair November 2024 - 4 services

  • Listening October 2024 - 3 services

  • Invitation October 2024 - 6 services

  • Renewal June 2024 - 8 services

    What does it mean to be a people of renewal? Our September theme invites us to reflect on what we need to be refreshed in order to maintain our commitments to ourselves, each other, our community, and the next generations.

  • Pluralism May 2024 - 4 services

  • Interdependence April 2024 - 4 services

  • Transformation March 2024 - 5 services

  • Beauty February 2024 - 13 services

    The practice of savoring life’s gifts
    What beautiful thing do you carry in your heart?

  • Justice and Equity February 2024 - 3 services

  • Liberating Love January 2024 - 4 services

  • Mystery December 2023 - 4 services

  • Generosity November 2023 - 4 services

  • Heritage October 2023 - 4 services

  • Welcome September 2023 - 4 services

  • Love August 2023 - 5 services

  • Our Stories July 2023 - 1 service

  • Delight June 2023 - 4 services

  • Creativity May 2023 - 4 services

  • Resistance April 2023 - 5 services

  • Vulnerability March 2023 - 4 services

  • centering January 2023 - 4 services

  • Finding Our Center January 2023 - 1 service

  • wonder December 2022 - 3 services

  • Change November 2022 - 4 services

  • Courage October 2022 - 5 services

  • Belonging September 2022 - 8 services

    The path of belonging to something larger than ourselves.
    Does who I am end at the barrier of my skin?

  • Celebrating Blessings June 2022 - 3 services

  • Awakening April 2022 - 4 services

  • Faith March 2022 - 4 services

  • Widening the Circle February 2022 - 4 services

  • Intention January 2022 - 5 services

  • Joy December 2021 - 4 services

  • Possibility September 2021 - 4 services

  • Play June 2021 - 4 services

  • Story May 2021 - 4 services

  • Becoming April 2021 - 4 services

  • Commitment March 2021 - 4 services

    Our March theme invites us to consider to whom and to what we are committed, and what those commitments offer us and require of us. Check-in question: If someone secretly monitored your life for a month, what would they conclude is your most sacred vow?

  • Beloved Community February 2021 - 4 services

    Our February theme invites us to consider how we build beloved community, as well as how it can be there for us. Check-in question: What was your first experience of beloved community?

  • Imagination January 2021 - 4 services

    Our January theme invites us to imagine together - possibilities, new ideas, different ways of understanding. Check-in question: Albert Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge." What do you think?

  • Stillness December 2020 - 4 services

    Our December theme invites us to reflect on how we might find or hold stillness, and to what purpose. Check-in question: What might you find yourself sitting with, if you allow yourself to answer the invitation into stillness?

  • Healing November 2020 - 5 services

    What does it mean to be a people of healing? Our November theme invites us to reflect on how we might find and engage in healing within and between us. Check-in question: What is something you know now about healing that you didn't know earlier in your life?

  • Compassion June 2020 - 1 service

    What does it mean to be a people of compassion?
    What act of compassion have you received or witnessed recently?

  • Thresholds May 2020 - 4 services

    The path of making visible and calling forth the gifts that get us through
    Where do I find the courage to step into the new?

  • Liberation April 2020 - 3 services

    The path of saving yourself by giving yourself away.
    How do I escape my ego and small self?

  • Wisdom March 2020 - 2 services

    The path of untangling yourself from what you’ve been taught
    Is this all there is?

  • Resilience February 2020 - 4 services

    The path of trusting in a Love that will not let you go.
    Do I have to make it through on my own? Is it all up to me?

  • Integrity January 2020 - 4 services

    The path of tending to the wisdom and wholeness within
    What is my path?

  • Awe December 2019 - 5 services

    The path of traveling through the world with amazement
    What is sacred?

  • Attention November 2019 - 4 services

    The path of turning our attention to what matters most
    What is my life trying to say to me?

  • Expectation September 2019 - 5 services

    The path of hopeful expectation.
    In what do I trust?