Reeb and COVID – 2024

At JRUUC we continue to be mindful of the health, social, and spiritual needs of our community and intend to make our services and other gatherings as available to all as possible.  Here is our current Covid policy:

  1. Worship continues to be multiplatform, and organizers of other activities are encouraged to provide opportunities for virtual participation
  2. Masking is encouraged and supported for all (including singers), but not required, and masks are available at the door
  3. There is a space in the building dedicated for people who choose to socialize where all people are wearing masks
  4. We continue to practice covenantal consent, and stickers should be worn on Sunday mornings
  5. There are no room capacity limits
  6. There is no pre-registration or signing in, and any reported Covid cases are shared in the weekly enews
  7. Vaccinations are not required, but we continue to encourage vaccination
  8. HVAC fans are turned to “on” for the duration of all events (CDC strongly recommends)

We anticipate that multiplatform events, covenantal consent (stickers), and support for people who choose to mask will be part of Reeb culture going forward. These things are not just responses to Covid, but generally good practices of welcome and inclusion. As a reminder, covenantal consent is a practice of inclusion, covenant, consent, and care for each other. It’s us explicitly and proactively asking each other what behaviors we’re comfortable with around distance and touch.

Not Feeling Well? – We ask that anyone who does not feel well or has been recently exposed to someone who is ill stay home and participate in gatherings via zoom. If you have attended an event and later found out that you were ill, please let the event organizer know so we can inform other attendees.

Caring TreePlease reach out to us if you are ill and in need of care from our community.

Click for the last email from the COVID Task Force (6/30/23)

Updated 3/25/25