Speaker: Rev. Karen Armina

The Paths of Resistance

What do napping, mindfulness, compassion, community-building, and speaking our truths have in common?  This month, as we begin to journey the path of resistance, we’ll explore some of the many forms that path might take.

Share the Plate

The Share-the-Plate recipient for April 2 and 9 … read more.

All Kinds of Vulnerable

This month’s theme is challenging on many levels, because there are many ways we are vulnerable.  For some, it’s about taking the risk to open our hearts to new possibilities; for others, it’s about choosing and enforcing boundaries for safety; for still others, it’s simply … read more.

What Would Love Do?

We’ve talked a lot this month about ways we might center love in our relationships and our actions.  And we know that we face challenges daily that pull us away from that center.  This morning, we’ll explore some grounding ideas shared by Black writers and … read more.

Loving Care

The Caring Tree is the structure we use to co-create a mutual aid network of pastoral and parish care at JRUUC.  We ask for help and we offer help, as part of building beloved community.  This morning, in reflection and in ritual, we’ll explore what … read more.

The Burning Bowl

We have begun our next circle around the sun together.  During today’s multigenerational service, we’ll participate in a fire communion to ritually center ourselves, seal our intentions, and lose our hesitations as we move into the New Year.

[Due to illness and technical difficulties, audio from … read more.