Speaker: Rev. Karen Armina

This Beautiful and Broken World

It is hard on the spirit to live in today’s world, witnessing both all that is beautiful and all that is broken.  This morning, we’ll build on last week’s exploration of creating our sacred spaces, to explore how we might stay (or get) grounded and … read more.

Holding All That Is True

At our recent General Assembly of Congregations, we heard repeatedly the messages that our living tradition responds to change within and between us, and that we’re called to hold all the truths we each bring to our collective whole.  This morning, I’ll share the … read more.

Out With the Old?

Some kinds of renewal require a full cleansing before they can begin, and other kinds require that we keep something and repurpose it.  And when we choose to keep things, renewal might mean coming back to them just as they’ve always been, or it might … read more.

Beauty Calls Us Together…Again

Last year, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first flower ceremony as created by Norbert Čapek in Prague, with story and music created especially for this occasion.  The service was so moving, we’ve decided to offer it again this year.  We’ll hear our choir, … read more.

Many Ways to Grieve

There is much that is hard in these times- in our own lives and in the spaces between and around us.  Grieving can be vital to moving forward into life after loss or change, and there is much to learn from each other and our … read more.