Tipping into Darkness: An Invitation to Balance

At the time of the Fall Equinox, the Earth tips us once again toward darkness.  This morning, we’ll mark the moment of balance between light and dark, and explore the invitation to notice the changes this brings within and between us.

Worship Associate – Deb Myrbo

Image: Public domain – rawpixel.com

  • The Share-the-Plate recipient for Sept. 14 and 21 is the Wisconsin Examiner. They are the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit new bureau covering Wisconsin state government, and they have no advertising, subscription fees, or paywalls. Their inspiration is the motto painted on a ceiling in the Capitol building: “The Will of the People is the Law of the Land.” For that to work, the people must be informed with reliable information. They were nominated by Erik Gunn.  

Share the Plate – click here to donate

Join us after the service for the Board and Minister Listening Session. Details here.

Click here for this week’s newsletter

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song  “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
  • Welcome
  • Prelude  “Autumn Glow” by Martha Mier
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
  • Shared Music  “Chant for the Seasons: Autumn” #73 (gray hymnal)
  • Time for All Ages  “Playing with Balance” with Genevieve McPherson Shambarger
  • Shared Music  “We Are Not Our Own” #317 (gray hymnal)
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions “in the dark i see fireflies” by adrienne maree brown
  • Reflection 
  • Offering  “Touch a Rainbow” by Dennis Alexander
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music  “Lady of the Seasons’ Laughter” #51 (gray hymnal)
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
