2017 Annual Budget Drive

As alwasy, the 2017 Annual Budget Drive (ABD) was a wonderful opportunity for our members and friends to explore how we give to and receive from James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation (JRUUC) as part of our Time, Talent, and Treasure covenant.

Member Testimonials

Watch the JRUUC Transformed Videos



We enjoyed:

  • March 5th Kick-Off Sunday Service
  • March 12th Transformation Circle
  • April 2nd  Sunday Multigeneral Service and Open House Celebration

This year’s theme was all about Transformation. Your ABD team members were Kelly Kearns, Sandy Persons, Barb Whitney and Kim Reain (ABD Chair). Contact Kim with any questions you have (kim@reain.net or 698-5051).

You should have received your ABD packet in the mail by now.  If not, please download the following forms: 

…or contact one of the ABD team members and they will mail you what you need.

During the ABD, we spent time reflecting on financial commitment and support.

  • A hungry caterpillar appeared in the narthex (lobby) and accepted completed financial commitment forms.
  • The video challenge asked how you have been transformed by your involvement at JRUUC? 
  • The sanctuary transformed.

Please look for the brochures in our lobby (narthex).

Thank you for participating in this year’s Annual Budget Drive!