Rev. Karen Armina’s message for this month…

  • Living Love through the Practice of Deep Listening

    Dear Ones, 

    This year’s Soul Matters themes are framed as practices, as a way of inviting us to think more deeply about our historic UU commitment to action over creeds.  They’re also grounded in Love, which, as our newly amended UUA Bylaws say, “is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values.  We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.”  So this month’s theme is “Living Love through the Practice of Deep Listening.” 

    I met with our covenant group facilitators last week, and we mused on how apt this theme is for the month we’re having our first group sessions!  It’s also apt for the times in which we live.  I believe that deep listening is one of the best tools we have to dismantle the social and political divides we humans have created between ourselves. 

    In our covenant groups, we listen each other’s thoughts into being – giving each other enough space and time and patience to form their ideas out loud – and then we don’t have a conversation about what someone just said.  The purpose is simply to listen while each participant has a chance to form their ideas and be heard, and to allow ourselves to feel what we feel.  This kind of listening is a gift.  What would our world be like, I wonder, if we extended this practice, offered this gift, into our lives?  Especially into the places where we know there are differences of opinion? 

    An article I read recently suggested that, when we find ourselves in disagreement, we ask “Will you tell me your story?  I’d love to know how you came to this point of view.”  And then listen.  Their story might just open a way into compassion.  I will try this some time this month, as a way of practicing a spiritual discipline of Love.  I hope you’ll consider it too.

    In faith and love, Karen

    [October 2, 2024]