Adult RE Offering: The Shared Pulpit

Erica Hewitt writes in her book The Shared Pulpit, “In our Unitarian Universalist tradition, we speak of shared ministry — the embodied belief that everyone, not just the ordained minister takes part in the ministry of the congregation.”  Our tradition calls us to lift up all voices, and preaching, which Ralph Waldo Emerson described as “putting life through the fire of thought,” is a spiritual practice that is open to all.  

This fall, Rev. Karen will facilitate a program in which we’ll practice the art of writing and speaking authentically, using Erica Hewitt’s book as a guide.  This isn’t just a course for people planning to preach (although it is that) – this program aims to deepen connection and trust among us.  It contains advice, tools, and a process designed to equip you to be even more skilled, confident leaders (because anyone brave and curious enough to share their journey publicly with the congregation is, in fact, a leader).  Along the way, you’ll discover your authentic voice by writing a sermon to deliver to the congregation.  

There will be eight 3-hour sessions, beginning in September.  Please contact Rev. Karen if you’re interested – or just curious!

Previous participants have shared these reflections on their experience:

“I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the ‘Share The Pulpit’ series a few years ago when I was fairly new to James Reeb. The class was well done, inviting us to find our own voice in our writing as well as giving a “template” for writing a reflection for a UU service. The class helped me to get to know fellow Reebers and gave me the confidence to go in front of the congregation and share my story.”

“’The Shared Pulpit’ class taught me how to fold public speaking into an expression of faith. I eventually expressed to myself how my own faith developed. As the class progressed, I found a deep connection with the other class members, different than a covenant group. For me, it remains one of the most profound experiences of my time at Reeb.”

“I loved the opportunity to work on a topic of my own choice that had deep meaning to me. The atmosphere is safe and supportive and the time flies. Add to this that I also learned tools that allow me to feel comfortable and capable in front of the congregation during service and I can’t recommend it enough!”

The Shared Pulpit – available on Kindle or in paperback