Author: cbringelson

Acting DRE position open

Minister Karen Quinlan, along with representatives of the Board of Trustees and the Religious  Education Committee, have decided that JRUUC needs a very part-time Acting Director of Religious Education for a few months while a formal search is conducted for the permanent position.


Details are available … read more.

Reeb Rave: Wild Kingdom! Auction Items Requested

Our annual silent and not-so-silent auction is coming up on Sat. Nov. 15th! 

Everyone can participate in putting together an awesome online auction catalogue! 

Simply send in a description and digital photo of the goods and/or services you will contribute!  Deadline: Thursday Oct. 30th.

Please contact Tom McClintock … read more.

The Wi$dom Path: Part Two

The next three sessions of The Wi$dom Path — an adult religious education program that explores our attitudes and behaviors toward money in our everyday, spiritual, and congregational lives — will be held at JRUUC on:

• Sunday, Oct. 12th @ 8am: “The Many Meanings of Money”
• Friday, Oct. 17th … read more.