Author: Charlie McNulty

Reeb Rave catalog is up!

Please check out the Reeb Rave catalog!  Donations are still welcome and sorely needed! If you have items to drop off for the silent auction please bring them to JRUUC on Friday 5PM – 8PM, or Saturday 10AM – 2PM.  Can't wait to see you there!

2017 Congregational Meeting

Hello all, it's May, and that means thunderstorms and soil under your fingernails, and a JRUUC congregational meeting! Be forwarned that there will be a congregational photo, as well as the usual business of electing a slate of nominees, an operating budget and much more.  … read more.

Proposed Covenant of Right Relations

Several years ago, as part of our preparation for calling a minister, we embarked on a project to create a "Covenant of Right Relations", which is a document that represents our promise to each other about how we will conduct ourselves and communicate with each … read more.

Proposed By-Law Amendment

Proposed By-Law Amendment to Reduce the Number of At-Large Board Members from 5 to 3


On April 23rd, immediately following service, the congregation will vote on whether to amend the JRUUC by-laws to reduce the number of at-large Board members from 5 to 3 and the … read more.

2016 Congregational Meeting

This year our annual meeting will take place on Sunday, May 15th immediately following service. As always we'll be appreciating all of the people who make JRUUC work. We'll also be voting in a new slate of leadership positions including a new President-Elect and new … read more.