Author: Susan Podebradsky

Minister’s Musings – How Goes It? (3/16/22)

Dear Friends,

There are so many things to work through as we move into in-person and multiplatform gatherings! There are logistical components, like getting the building ready, making the tech work, figuring out the support tasks, inviting people to help. And, like many other aspects of congregational life, … read more.

What Can One Person Do?

We can’t solve all of the world’s problems in one day, but there are small steps we can take today to make things a little bit better, near home, or from the comfort of our own homes. Our weekly email contains information about ways to … read more.

Minister’s Musings – Returning – 3/9/22

Dear Friends,

Can you feel it? The energy of returning spring? Despite Monday’s snow, I saw a bright blue sky this morning, and heard sandhill cranes and red-winged blackbirds during my morning walk. The humans at the dog park were less bundled up, so we could interact more than … read more.