Big Changes in COVID Guidelines!

Dear friends,

Your Covid-19 Task Force has made a set of recommendations to our Board after the June 18 listening session, and the Board has approved them.

So, starting today, June 30:

  1. Worship continues to be multiplatform, and organizers of other activities are encouraged to provide opportunities for virtual participation
  2. Masking is encouraged and supported for all (including singers), but not required, and masks are available at the door
  3. There is a space in the building dedicated for people who choose to socialize where all people are wearing masks
  4. We continue to practice covenantal consent, and stickers should be worn on Sunday mornings
  5. There are no room capacity limits
  6. There is no pre-registration or signing in, and any reported Covid cases are shared in the weekly enews
  7. Vaccinations are not required, but we continue to encourage vaccination
  8. HVAC fans are turned to “on” for the duration of all events (CDC strongly recommends)

The Strategic Plan we’ve been working under will continue to be posted on our website for reference, and the Board will discuss next steps at their July meeting, including the possibility of drafting a broader policy around building closure and/or health and safety guidelines.

We anticipate that multiplatform events, covenantal consent (stickers), and support for people who choose to mask will be part of Reeb culture going forward. These things are not just responses to Covid, but generally good practices of welcome and inclusion. As a reminder, covenantal consent is a practice of inclusion, covenant, consent, and care for each other. It’s us explicitly and proactively asking each other what behaviors we’re comfortable with around distance and touch.

June 30th’s email will be the last Friday email you’ll receive about worship and Covid. The Zoom link to attend worship virtually will continue to be shared in our weekly Wednesday enews and on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines, please contact Task Force member Jocie Luglio.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday – with your consent stickers on and your masks on or off, or via Zoom!

In faith and love,

Rev. Karen and the Covid-19 Task Force

What to Expect in Multiplatform Worship at JRUUC

If you attend in person

Please arrive before 10:00 so you have time to find a seat before the service starts.

If you would like a mask, just ask a greeter and they will give you one.

You’ll be offered consent stickers at the door, with different colors indicating your level of comfort in interpersonal interactions: 

  • Green = “I welcome you to be within 6 feet of me, and ask for a hug or other contact”
  • Yellow = “I welcome you to be within 6 feet of me, but please don’t touch”
  • Red = “Please maintain 6 feet or more of physical distance between us”

If you would like to socialize after worship in a space where everyone is masked, please go to our library, which is located off the foyer directly across from the sanctuary doors.

Important: Please disable your device’s WIFI connection if you’re in the building.

However you attend

The order of service can be found on our website here. It’s at the bottom of the page for this week’s service. A small number of printed orders of service will also be available in the sanctuary.

We’ll take a live offering, and you can also donate via our website. The link will be up on the monitor during the offering, and there will be a scannable code to the link in the printed order of service.

Joys and Sorrows will be offered in the multiplatform setting. In-person attendees are invited to fill out a card with your name and what you’d like to share, and virtual participants are invited to share in the chat after the offering is received. Rev. Karen will light a candle and read your words.

In-person and virtual coffee hour will happen after worship ends each week.

Click here to go to our COVID page
Click here for previous COVID news posts