Budget or Pledging Questions?

This post might help!

If you intend to keep your current pledge, thank you! You don’t need to take any action, and we’ll consider it a sustained commitment.

If you’d like to make a new pledge or change your current pledge, thank you! Please click here and fill in the Financial Commitment Form. This form also provides an option to make a one-time donation along with your pledge, if you’d like to do that.

If you’d like to make a one-time donation independent of a pledge or a pledge change, thank you! Please click here and scroll down to the donation form.

We hope you will be as generous as you are able, and consider increasing your pledge if you have the means to do so. And if you don’t have the means, we thank you for maintaining a pledge of whatever amount you can.

In faith and with much gratitude,

Karol Niemann, President, Board of Trustees

Rev. Karen Armina, Minister