Candidating Week Schedule to meet Karen Quinlan: April 26–May 4, 2014

Karen Quinlan

Karen QuinlanThe Ministerial Search Committee presents Karen Quinlan for your consideration to become our next Called Minister. We sincerely hope you will welcome Karen, her husband Paul, and their daughter Catherine when they visit us later this month. We encourage everyone to participate in the various opportunities offered. The PDF schedule (updated 4/18/14) is here and below.

Please keep in mind that Karen will not present a program at the various meetings and events scheduled. Her purpose will be to listen and get to know us and our areas of concern and interest. This is our opportunity to meet and get to know her, and it is her opportunity to meet us and learn about our committees, our practices, and our structure.

Downtime is also scheduled to give Karen and her family time to rest, take a good look at housing, and familiarize themselves with the community.

Saturday, April 26

3:00 pm: Karen arrives in Madison; hotel check-in.
6:00 pm: Sustainable Saturday Night Potluck and Earth Day celebration.

Sunday, April 27

10:00 am: Worship service led by Karen.
12:30 pm: Search Committee lunch with Karen.
5:00 pm: Board of Trustees potluck with Karen.

Monday, April 28

Free time during the day.
5:00–6:30 pm: Office hours at JRUUC. Schedule or drop in (242-8887) to meet with Karen.
6:30–8:30 pm: PJS, Membership, and Fun(d)raising potluck with Karen.   

Tuesday, April 29

10:00 am–1:00 pm: Office hours at JRUUC. Schedule or drop in (242-8887) to meet with Karen.
2:00 pm: Elizabeth Barrett meets with Karen.
5:30 pm: Caroline Hardin meets with Karen.
6:30–8:00 pm: Worship, Library, and RE Committees meet with Karen.

Wednesday, April 30

Free time during the day.
6:30 pm: Search Committee Dinner and Meeting with Karen.

Thursday, May 1

12:00 pm: Lunch
6:30 pm: Stewardship Committee meeting with Karen.
7:00 pm: Karen meets the Choir.

Friday, May 2

Free time during the day.
5:00-7:30 pm: Congregational Potluck at Reeb—ALL ARE INVITED!

Saturday, May 3

10:00 am–12:00 pm: Playtime at Orton Park for families with children and Karen’s family.

1:00–2:00 pm: Young adult (18–35) Office Hours at JRUUC. Schedule or drop in (242-8887) to meet with Karen.  Note: Young adults are also welcome at the other scheduled office hour times!

Sunday, May 4

10:00 am: Worship service led by Karen, followed by Congregational Meeting to vote to call Karen.