Congregational Conversation on Israel and Palestine – 2/25 After Service

The Justice Ministry will host a Congregational Conversation on Israel and Palestine on Sunday, February 25 after services (11:30-12:30). We hear that this topic is alive for many members of the congregation right now. This will be an opportunity to share what is on your heart and what you need from your spiritual community at this moment – and offer your energy towards any action plans that emerge. Hybrid format. (Facilitators: Eva Wingren and Mary Wichita)

Read the UUA’s February 14th Statement condemning violence against Gaza and urging ceasefire here

Draft Agenda:

  • 11:30  Welcome and Orientation – Name what we hope to accomplish in our time together (sharing, asking, connecting). Remind everyone of our Covenant of Right Relations
  • 11:40-11:55 Sharing – Split into pairs. Each person has 5 minutes to share from their hearts what they feel about the issue, with no cross-talk. 5 minutes at end for cross talk. 
  • 11:55 -12:15 Asking  – “What do you need from your spiritual community on this issue?” Enter answers into Jamboard and/or or write on chart paper/little slips and pass forward. 1 thing per slip. Facilitator groups the slips and creates a priority order based on how often things came up. We hear from 1-2 folks to put the need into their own words or provide context, not going for solutions yet and not hearing from everyone 
  • 12:15-12:30 Connecting – “How can we meet these needs for each other?” Facilitator helps participants navigate the Reeb bureaucracy or encourages self-organization on 1-2 highest interest actions