Caring Tree

The Caring Tree is the structure we use to co-create a mutual aid network of pastoral and parish care at JRUUC. We ask for help and we offer help, as part of building beloved community. See the descriptions below for the ways in which we help each other.
Our Caring Tree Coordinators are Heike Saynisch and Jeanette Clawson. Please contact them (or Rev. Karen when she returns) when you’re in need. Click here to contact us.
If you would like to be on a team and haven’t been asked, please contact Heike or Jeanette at
The Teams

The Meals Team
Provides meals in instances of birth, death, illness, or injury
- Provide home cooked or purchased meals for a member/and or family
- Meal services are coordinated by the team leader using software
- Volunteers are referred to the site where they will receive information about diet needs, preferences, delivery dates and times and address
- Etiquette for delivery of meals is to drop off meals and complete the delivery within 15 minutes. It is not intended to be a “visit.”
- Team members should deliver meals in containers that can be left with the recipient, or make arrangements for retrieving containers
- Team members should advise the team leader if there are challenges in delivery (difficulty parking or finding the location, other…) so that information can be clarified on the meal train site for future volunteers
The Rides Team
Provides rides for doctor appointments, carpools for congregational events (such as MOSES, stewardship events, community work days, Sunday services), or for family support during illness or injury

- Provide safe and reliable transportation
- Pick up on time at designated location
- Team members should advise the team leader if there are unexpected difficulties or challenges

The Errands Team
Delivers groceries, prescriptions, and meals (if needed to assist meals team)
- Errands are usually run without the member present (but not always)
- Payment is to be arranged between the Team member and the member being assisted before the errand is run
- Deliver item(s) to member. Some assistance may be needed, such as putting groceries away.
- Etiquette for errand running is to complete the errand and respond as needed. Any deliveries will be completed within 15 minutes. It is not intended to be a “visit.”
The Card Writing Team
Sends cards to congregants experiencing significant life events

- Acquire, sign, and mail cards (will be reimbursed for any money spent)
- Maintain records/share information with team leader

The Visits Team
Visits members at their home/hospital with ministerial guidance and support
The Phone Calls Team
Checks in with members of our community who could use a little human connection

The Household Helpers Team
Provides help with light household tasks
- Etiquette for helpers is to perform the agreed-upon task(s) and leave within 15 minutes of completion.
- It is not intended to be a “visit.”
The Heavy Lifters Team
Provides help with heavier household items
- Team members must be able to lift more weight.
- Etiquette for heavy lifters is to perform the agreed-upon task(s) and leave within 15 minutes of completion.
- It is not intended to be a “visit.”

You can send a message to the caring tree team below: