Donations Drive & Bag Assembly 12/17

All-Ages Event: Donations Drive and Bag Assembly!

December 17th at 6:30-8:00 pm, in the JRUUC back parking lot

Hosted by our Religious Education Program

Volunteers (whether you have a kid in RE or not) are needed to help assemble the bags, and donations of all kinds are needed. The donation bags will be going to The Road Home, which describes itself like this, “The Road Home Dane County (then known as Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Madison Area) opened our doors on April 26th, 1999 as an overflow shelter for families who could not be served by the existing shelters. In the years that followed, The Road Home played a growing role in securing funds and support for affordable housing and providing case management to help families find and maintain that housing.” 

We’ll collect soaps, lotions, toothbrushes, washcloths and towels, and foods that do not need to be refrigeratedHomemade treats are welcome, so long as they’re nut-freeBoxed juices and drinks can also be placed in the bags. If it’s a personal care item or something good for bellies around the holidays, bring it by! 

Please email Mandy at if you’d like to volunteer to help assemble the bags.