From Rev. Karen: The C-19 Task Force received a lot of feedback about music and singing, much of it asking for opportunities to sing together before the draft plan has allowed for. Because singing is on the extreme end of both considerations – it brings such joy but it’s also a much bigger risk.
I’d like to have a conversation about whether and how we can gather to sing in ways that are satisfying for everyone who sings, no matter how vulnerable they are. Please come to my virtual office hours on Tuesday at 4:00-6:00 pm or to a Zoom meeting on Saturday, April 10 at 4:00-5:30 pm. [See April 7th email for zoom links.]
Click here for a .pdf version of the draft.
The Board of Trustees will be considering the draft plan below at the April meeting and will let you know when this plan or a revised version has been approved. Watch your weekly emails for more information.
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
Level 4
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Situational Criteria
If any one or more actual, existing conditions are of greater severity than even one of the criteria conditions listed below, the guidelines of the next higher level are to be implemented.
COVID Act Now metrics for Dane County are at the following levels:
- Daily new cases per 100K “10-25” (orange) or higher
- Infection rate “1.1-1.4” (orange) or higher
- Positive test rate “10-20%” (orange) or higher
- ICU capacity used “Over 85%” (red) or higher
And/or state, county, and/or city authorities have mandated a stay at home order
Building Accessibility and Use
The building is closed.
Hand sanitizer is placed in appropriate locations throughout the building
Entry is only permitted for essential business, which is defined as payroll, bills, check signing, access to resources, and building safety and maintenance
If two or more individuals are required to carry out essential business within the building, they are to maintain physical distance of 6’ or more, wear masks and gloves, wash hands at each opportunity, and sanitize surfaces contacted
The building may be used for emergency community support under the following guidelines:
- Maximum numbers by room:
- Sanctuary (2100 sq. ft.): maximum 18 (or whatever Dane County orders permit, whichever is less)
- Multipurpose room (800 sq. ft.): maximum 7 o
- Front classroom (246 sq. ft.): maximum 2
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Avoid close contact
- Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people
- All people over the age of 2 years will cover your mouth and nose with a mask at alltimes when inside the building, unless it interferes with medical treatment
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
- Congregational Life – Worship and Program
Sunday services are prepared and disseminated on-line, from home(s)
Congregational Life – Worship and Program
Sunday services are prepared and disseminated on-line, from home(s)
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
All group gatherings, including but not limited to meetings, religious education, Covenant Groups, and choir take place virtually, with participants at home as individuals or family groups
Staff Practices
All staff work remotely, except for essential business that must be conducted in the building All meetings are held virtually
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
Level 3
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Situational Criteria
If any one or more actual, existing conditions are of greater severity than even one of the criteria conditions listed below, the guidelines of the next higher level are to be implemented.
COVID Act Now metrics for Dane County are at the following levels:
- Daily new cases per 100K “1-10” (yellow)
- Infection rate “0.9-1.1 (yellow)
- Positive test rate “10-20%” (orange)
- ICU capacity used “80-85%” (orange)
And/or state, county, and/or city authorities have mandated distancing and face mask wearing in public buildings
Building Accessibility and Use
The building is closed
Hand sanitizer is placed in appropriate locations throughout the building
Entry is permitted for essential business, emergency community support (with the guidelines listed under Level 4), or one to three people to record or lead worship
All people using the building are to follow these guidelines:
- Wear a mask at all times
- Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet apart at all times
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after youhave been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
Congregational Life – Worship and Program
Sunday services are prepared and disseminated on-line, from home(s) or by one to three individuals in the building
Music may be played and recorded in the building
There will be no singing in the building
All group gatherings, including but not limited to meetings, religious education, Covenant Groups, and choir take place virtually, with participants at home as individuals or family groups
Staff Practices
All staff work remotely, except for essential business that must be conducted in the building
All meetings are held virtually
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
Level 2
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Situational Criteria
If any one or more actual, existing conditions are of greater severity than even one of the criteria conditions listed below, the guidelines of the next higher level are to be implemented.
COVID Act Now metrics for Dane County are at the following levels:
- Daily new cases per 100K “1-10” (yellow)
- Infection rate “0.9-1.1 (yellow)
- Positive test rate “3-10%” (yellow)
- ICU capacity used “70-80%” (yellow)
And/or state, county, and/or city authorities have mandated distancing and face mask wearing in public buildings
Building Accessibility and Use
The building may be used by groups, which must sign up on the building use calendar; no more than three groups may be in the building at the same time, and only in the following configurations:
- Sanctuary (2100 sq. ft.): one group of no more than 18 people (or whatever Dane County orders permit, whichever is less)
- Multipurpose room (800 sq. ft.): one group of no more than 7 people
- Front classroom (246 sq. ft.): one group of no more than 2 people
Hand sanitizer is placed in appropriate locations throughout the building
Signs are prominently displayed indicating:
- Which parts of the building may be used, and which are closed
- The configurations listed above
- The guidelines listed below
All individuals and groups (including children/youth) using the building are to follow these guidelines:
● Sign in with their name and phone number in the log book provided, and attest to three stipulations in order to remain in the building and participate in the activity (expected participants will be notified ahead of time of the sign-in requirement, including the health questions, the attestations related to health precautions taken, and travel):
- They feel healthy now and have not experienced fever, chills, new cough, shortness of breath, new sore throat, muscle aches, new head ache, or new loss of smell or taste in the last 14 days.
- They have consistently worn a mask and maintained social distance when interacting with others outside of their household for the last 14 days.
- They have not traveled to areas experiencing increases of cases of COVID-19 greater than those occurring in Dane County in the last 14 days.
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Wear a mask at all times
- Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet apart at all times
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after youhave been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
- Limit gatherings to 2 hours or less
- Restrict use of each restroom to one person or set of household members at a time
- Do not share food; individuals may bring personal water bottles and snack items
Congregational Life – Worship and Program
Sunday services are prepared and disseminated on-line, from home(s) or by a number of individuals in the building consistent with the above configurations and guidelines
Music may be played and recorded in the building
There will be no singing in the building
All gatherings and meetings will include an online accessibility option for those not able to gather physically
Religious education for children and youth and choir take place virtually, with participants at home as individuals or family groups
Staff Practices
All staff may choose whether to work remotely or in the office
Staff meetings will take place virtually, unless staff members explicitly agree to meet in the building
If two or more staff members share the same work area:
- Meeting time is limited to an hour
- Sharing of work tools and equipment (e.g. pens, pencils, calculators, computerkeyboards, etc.) is discouraged; should a tool be shared, it is to be disinfected betweenusers
- Note: Masks and six-foot distancing seem to mitigate the risk of transmission of‘particles’ broadcast by a cough or sneeze. However, aerosols may still accumulate in the air in an enclosed area over a period of time and may be a source of transmission. Limiting the time two or more spend in a room together and increasing air circulation, by using a fan and opening doors, are actions that should be taken.
When working alone, wearing a mask is not necessary
Should a staff member develop any COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, they must notify all other staff members; any staff members with whom the ill person has come into contact may not return to the building for two weeks
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
Level 1
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Situational Criteria
If any one or more actual, existing conditions are of greater severity than even one of the criteria conditions listed below, the guidelines of the next higher level are to be implemented.
COVID Act Now metrics for Dane County are at the following levels:
Daily new cases per 100K “Under 1/on track for containment” (green)
- Infection rate “Under 0.9/COVID decreasing” (green)
- Positive test rate “3-10%” (yellow)
- ICU capacity used “70-80%” (yellow)
- The vaccine is widely available (free to all, at multiple accessible locations in Dane County) for adults
And/or state, county, and/or city authorities have allowed indoor gatherings to resume with some restrictions
Building Accessibility and Use
The building may be used for groups including renters, which must sign up on the building use calendar; no more than three groups may be in the building at the same time, and only in the following configurations:
- Sanctuary: up to 40 people, spaced apart as individuals or households
- Multipurpose room: up to 10 people, spaced apart as individuals or households
- Front classroom: up to 3 people, spaced apart as individuals or households
Hand sanitizer is placed in appropriate locations throughout the building
Signs are prominently displayed indicating:
- Which parts of the building may be used, and which are closed
- The configurations listed above
- The guidelines listed below
All individuals and groups (including renters and children/youth) using the building are to follow these guidelines:
Sign in with their name and phone number in the log book provided, and attest to three stipulations in order to remain in the building and participate in the activity (expected participants will be notified ahead of time of the sign-in requirement, including the health questions, the attestations related to health precautions taken, and travel):
- They feel healthy now and have not experienced fever, chills, new cough, shortness of breath, new sore throat, muscle aches, new head ache, or new loss of smell or taste in the last 14 days.
- They have consistently worn a mask and maintained social distance when interacting with others outside of their household for the last 14 days.
- They have not traveled to areas experiencing increases of cases of COVID-19 greater than those occurring in Dane County in the last 14 days.
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Wear a mask at all times
- Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet apart at all times
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after youhave been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
- Limit gatherings to 2 hours or less
- Restrict restroom use to one person or set of household members at a time
- Do not share food; individuals may bring personal water bottles and snack items
Congregational Life – Worship and Program
Sunday services and rites of passage (weddings, memorials, etc.) are conducted in the sanctuary and attended by individuals according to the configurations and guidelines listed above, and are streamed for those not able to gather physically
- Only vaccinated adults may lead worship, offer music, and serve as greeters and hospitality hosts
- Music may be played
- There will be no congregational singing, but a soloist may sing from the chancel with aplexiglass barrier between them and the congregation
- Offering baskets are placed in the sanctuary but not passed
- Hymnals and paper orders of service are not used
Outside of Sunday mornings, music may be played and recorded in the building, and songs may be recorded with no more than two individuals singing into separate microphones on opposite sides of the sanctuary
Religious Education for children and youth resumes. All adults working with children/youth must be vaccinated, and all sessions must be conducted according to the configurations and guidelines listed above, and are streamed for those not able to gather physically.
All JRUUC gatherings and meetings will include an online accessibility option for those not able to gather physically
Staff Practices
All staff may choose whether to work remotely or in the officeStaff meetings will take place virtually, unless staff members explicitly agree to meet in the buildingIf two or more staff members share the same work area:
- Meeting time is limited to an hour
- Sharing of work tools and equipment (e.g. pens, pencils, calculators, computerkeyboards, etc.) is discouraged; should a tool be shared, it is to be disinfected betweenusers
- Note: Masks and six-foot distancing seem to mitigate the risk of transmission of‘particles’ broadcast by a cough or sneeze. However, aerosols may still accumulate in
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
the air in an enclosed area over a period of time and may be a source of transmission. Limiting the time two or more spend in a room together and increasing air circulation, by using a fan and opening doors, are actions that should be taken.
When working alone, wearing a mask is not necessary
Should a staff member develop any COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, they must notify all other staff members; any staff members with whom the ill person has come into contact may not return to the building for two weeks
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
Level 0
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Situational Criteria
If any one or more actual, existing conditions are of greater severity than even one of the criteria conditions listed below, the guidelines of the next higher level are to be implemented.
COVID Act Now metrics for Dane County are at the following levels:
- Daily new cases per 100K “Under 1/on track for containment” (green)
- Infection rate “Under 0.9/COVID decreasing” (green)
- Positive test rate “Under 3%” (green)
- ICU capacity used “Under 70%” (green)
- The vaccine is widely available (free to all, at multiple accessible locations in Dane County) for adults
And/or state, county, and/or city authorities have allowed all in-person activities to resume with no restrictions
Building Accessibility and Use
Building use returns to pre-COVID conditions
Hand sanitizer is placed in appropriate locations throughout the building
Congregational Life – Worship and Program
Sunday services are conducted in the sanctuary and attended with no restrictions, and are streamed for those not able to gather physically
- Choir and congregational singing resume in full
- Religious Education for children and youth resumes, with online accessibility options forthose not able to gather physically
- Coffee hour resumes with no restrictions, including the sharing of food and beverages
All group gatherings, including rentals, return to pre-COVID conditions; JRUUC gatherings and meetings include an online accessibility option for those not able to gather physically
Staff Practices
All staff work in their offices, but may choose to work from home as convenientStaff meetings will normally take place in the building, with an online accessibility option for those not able to gather physically.
Draft 1: March 8, 2021
James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Strategic Plan for Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Frequently Asked Questions
Will JRUUC members be able to see each other soon?
Yes! Especially with the warmer weather approaching, we fully expect there will be many opportunities in the months ahead for safe, socially distanced, outdoor gatherings of various sizes for those members and friends who feel comfortable coming together in this way.
Why don’t we worship outside all summer?
Outdoor worship, though lovely on a mildly warm day, brings with it many challenges. Finding a large enough space outdoors that is accessible for all, near restrooms, available on a consistent basis, and viable during hot, humid weather is not considered feasible. It would also be difficult to provide an adequate sound system outdoors or to livestream the services for those unable to attend.
Even though our JRUUC approach is driven by metrics, not dates, what’s your best guess for when we will start in-person worship again?
While we would love to provide such a date, the unpredictability of the pandemic makes it impossible to do so with any confidence. We share your frustration in not being able to have more certainty in our lives, and we pledge to move through these levels of concern as quickly as community conditions, our JRUUC values, and the science allow us to. The faster community conditions improve, the sooner we’ll be able to return to in-person worship. We all play a role in this, so please continue to adhere to all health and safety protocols, including wearing face coverings in public, social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings.
When will Rev. Karen be vaccinated and able to make in-person visits again?
Rev. Karen has been vaccinated and will be able to make in-person visits starting April 6! She’ll follow your lead on how to meet if you’re fully vaccinated; if you’re not vaccinated, she’s willing to meet with you outdoors without masks or indoors with masks.
What about our staff? Have they been vaccinated yet?
Our staff members are in various stages of vaccination, and have given full discretion to wait until they are comfortable with returning to in-person work.