The Annual General Assembly of Congregations is over – and there’s lots to know about what happened! Join Rev. Karen for worship on Sunday, July 7 to hear all about it. If you’re wondering what decisions were made by the delegates at GA, you can click on any of these links:

Amendments were discussed, and then this version of Article II of the UUA Bylaws was passed.
This Revision to UUA Bylaw Section 7.13 on Religious Education Credentialing Committee was passed.
This Business Resolution, “Affirming Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex and Gender Diverse People as a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values,” was passed.
These three Actions of Immediate Witness were passed:
- “World on Fire: Humanitarian Work and Climate Change”
- “Centering Love Amidst the Ongoing Impact of COVID-19”
- “Solidarity with Palestinians”
A Responsive Resolution, “UUA General Assembly Support for October 7 Hostages,” passed.
If you missed the sessions that were open to the public, including Sunday worship, you can view them here.
General Assembly 2025 will be a multiplatform event, and the in-person activities will be in Baltimore, Maryland!