Leaders and those considering taking on a leadership role are invited to attend the next series of leadership development classes. The last series focused on one's personal journey as a leader. This time, classes will focus on the leader in relationship to community. Classes will meet at JRUUC Sundays before service, 8:00-9:30 a.m. Fee is $5 for all three sessions or any portion thereof, with no one turned away for inability to pay.
Personal Energy and Burnout – Sunday, Jan. 25
What feeds your spirit as a leader? What depletes you? Self-care not only helps you stay functional but models it for others and reduces anxiety in the community.
Creating a Volunteer-Friendly Culture – Sunday, Feb. 1
Having trouble finding volunteers because everyone is stretched to the max? In this session we’ll explore how to create a climate that supports volunteers instead of burning them out.
Autonomy and Connection in the Congregation – Sunday, Feb. 8
In the interdependent web of the congregation, each part influences the whole. We’ll consider how this way of thinking can help leaders stay healthy, self-defined, and connected when the congregation comes under stress.
Sandy Person, Kelly Kearns, and Sarah Cook will facilitate. Please email or speak to Sarah Cook to register (sarah_cook@charter.net), and spread the word to others who might be interested. All are welcome – you don't need to have taken the first series of classes to attend this series!