Weekly News – RE

Religious Education Update – OWL
* Tonight at 5:30, we’ll have a fire at Hoyt Park. Come masked, and be ready to receive a small surprise for our young people. The fireplace is first come, first served but there are twelve on-site, so I’m sure we’ll find one to use. I hope to see you there! This event is for everyone and kids of all ages are welcome. This event is happening in place of youth group, which will be back virtually next week. 

* Dane County metrics look much less frightening than at any other time in 2022. This means OWL can resume on the first Sunday in March. We’ll meet inside the Sanctuary from 2:00-4:00. 

* A colleague of mine shared this activity. I liked it so much I wanted to pass it on to you-Heart Cards
Cut out hearts. Help the children fill in the words, “Love is for Everybody” and then decorate it. Use as Valentine’s cards for a local refugee organization, or other people who may need an affirmation of caring. One such organization here in Madison is Open Doors for Refugees.