JRUUC Annual Congregational Meeting! This Sunday, May 21

The multiplatform meeting will be after worship. JRUUC members and friends received an email on Thursday, May 11 with a link to the folder with the proposed agenda and other information. We’ll use the same Zoom link for the service, coffee hour, and the meeting.

You can find the link to the folder with the proposed agenda and documents here.

All are welcome to attend and speak at the meeting, but only JRUUC members are able to vote. The following documents will be referenced during the meeting:

  • the proposed 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda – including discussion and approval of new board members, adopting the 8th principle, affiliation of Rev. Monica Kling-Garcia; Justice Leadership Team structure and processes
  • the 2022 Meeting Minutes drafts (for approval);
  • the proposed 2023-24 slate of BOT/Nominating Committee candidates;
  • a narrative budget
  • the 2023-2024 budget in table-form; and
  • a set of reports from the Board, Rev. Karen, and various ministry teams

Please look over these documents prior to the meeting. If you find corrections that need to be made or have a question about something presented therein, we ask that you either email board@jruuc.org before the meeting or to please make note of it and bring your comments to the congregational meeting.

Thank you all for the many ways in which you contribute to and participate in the Beloved Community of ours! I hope to see many of you on Sunday.

5/22/23 Update: Resolutions passed! We look forward to working with Rev. Monica and incorporating the 8th principle into our congregational and personal lives. We welcome new Board Members: Karol Niemann (moving from At Large to President Elect), Michael Nunley (Treasurer), Elaine Morrison, and Rand Hill. Many thanks to Board Members who are leaving: Renee Buchanan (President), Tom McClintock, Heike Saynisch, and Glen Gordon (Treasurer). See the folder linked above for minutes.