June 21 – Make Music Madison @ Reeb!

Make Music Madison at Reeb: This summer, Reeb will participate in Make Music Madison, a free city-wide celebration of music on the summer solstice.  Please contact Jennifer at music@jruuc.org if you’d like to help out with the event!  Here is the full schedule of music!

  • 11-11:45am Jennifer Hedstrom 
  • 12-12:30pm Olivia Rose
  • 12:45pm-1:45pm Tom Wernigg
  • 2-2:45pm Molly Mitchell
  • 3-3:45pm Ensemble Shamaali
  • 4-5pm Youth Open Mic (keyboard available)
  • 5:30-6:30pm All Ages Folk Jam (keyboard available)
  • 7:15-8pm Your Weird Uncles