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Paperdolls made by children in Religious Education

What is Children’s Religious Education?

Our Religious Education Program Mission Statement and Goals

The mission of the JRUUC Religious Education Program is to foster ethical and spiritual development in our children.
They will be empowered to become free thinking individuals who:
★ Know and respect themselves and others
★ Contribute to their human and natural communities
★ Make informed decisions regarding their spiritual paths
Our RE program Goals:
★ Provide a safe, loving, and welcoming environment for each child
★ Create a feeling of community within the classroom and the congregation, as well as a sense of oneness with the larger UU fellowship
★ Help students develop an understanding of themselves and the world around them
★ Provide tools for exploring ethics, spirituality and the development of a personal faith
★ Help students acquire an understanding of the historical roots of UU and other world religions
★ Teach students to appreciate, honor, and defend diversity

From our children’s version of the seven UU principles we teach:

  • That each and every person is important
  • That all people should be treated fairly and kindly
  • That we should accept one another and keep on learning together
  • That each person must be free to search for what is true and right in life
  • That all people should have a vote about the things that concern them
  • In working for a peaceful, fair, and free world
  • In caring for our planet earth, the home we share with all living things

To receive the most current information about what we offer please check our weekly email, contact our Director of Religious Education Genevieve McPherson-Shambagar, or fill out the Contact Form on our Welcome page. We’ll keep you posted!

Special Events

Water Communion: 
Annual fall in-gathering service. Congregants bring water (or proxy water) from spiritual experiences held over the summer months in a special service for all ages.
Fall Campout: 
All-ages campout with a service, held usually in late September or early October at a campground very near Madison.
Reeb Kid Connection: 
Annual kick-off to RE year (beginning of Sept.) Children of all ages are invited to participate in games, activities and a picnic to form connections amongst the kids and across RE classes. The entire congregation is often invited to join in part of this celebration.
Flower Communion:
Spring ceremony that closes out the regular liturgical calendar. Congregants bring flowers from their gardens to service and exchanges flowers during the service.
Summer Picnic Service:
A Sunday service during the summer months usually held at a park. Includes a pot-luck picnic and games.
Child Dedication:
In this beautiful ritual, we welcome, affirm and celebrate the light in a child while pledging as a congregation to partner with and support parents and family in the child’s spiritual upbringing.
Other events such as: marching in the Madison Pride Parade, going to local sporting events, hiking and canoe adventures, preparing breakfast at a homeless shelter, Johnson Street Performing Arts Salon, Earth Day volunteer park clean-up, collecting food at the Farmer’s Market for food pantries, etc.

Other Programs

Send an email to for a schedule of when they will be offered next!

Collaborative YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists): For 2023-24 we’re excited to announce a Service and Social Justice oriented youth group for youth ages 13 and up in collaboration with First Unitarian Society. The group will meet on second and fourth Sundays at 12:30 pm and will alternate locations between Reeb and FUS. Please contact Genevieve for more information and to register.

Our Whole Lives (OWL): Designed for 7th – 9th graders to help them make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, OWL provides not only facts about anatomy and human development, but helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional and social aspects of sexuality.

Coming of Age program: As youth prepare to leave childhood, congregations seek to honor this transition.  Unitarian Universalist teenagers usually join their congregations with a special “Coming of Age” ceremony. This ceremony is often preceded by a year-long curriculum helping them to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and articulate their own beliefs. The Coming of Age ceremony usually features the youth reading their statements of personal belief (credo statements) to the congregation.