Minister’s Musings – Being Present (5/25/22)

Dear Friends,

I was sent a link to this video yesterday by the folx at the School of the Great Turning, where I’ve taken courses and been ministered to. It was a much-needed call to remember that the work of being present – to beauty, to history, to Spirit, to Earth – is so very important to our well-being. I preach this message all the time – that our relationships with each other and all that is around us are how we bring the sacred into being – and it was so timely and healing to be reminded of that with beautiful music and images. 

It also reminded me of the relationship between our May and June themes, “Nurturing Beauty” and “Celebrating Blessings,” because I think of beauty as one of the many blessings we receive when we pay attention to what and who is around us, and that, for sure, is worth celebrating! Thank you for letting me celebrate it with you.

In faith and love,
