Minister’s Musings – May Musings on Returning and Change

Musings on Returning and Change

Dear Ones,

I’m glad to be back among you, and I’m excited to reconnect with you!  I’m especially looking forward to learning what has changed for each of you and for our congregation while I was away.  I’ve been thinking a lot about change- how much Reeb has changed since I came back from my last sabbatical in the midst of a global pandemic four years ago, how much I’ve changed since becoming single four years before that, and how much has changed around us in those eight years.  I spent some of my time away talking with colleagues who serve congregations who have found new ways to thrive in these changed and still changing times, with the hope that I might bring us some fresh ideas. 

Mostly, I heard reminders of what we already know: share our stories and listen to each other, find where the energy is and build on it, remind each other that we matter and we’re not alone, reach out to others who want to do the same work.  I also heard, over and over again, how necessary it is to be flexible, to get comfortable with change and greet it with an open heart and mind, to practice inviting excitement about new possibilities over attachment to how we used to do things.  I think this is a spiritual practice as well as a strategy for re-learning how to thrive, and I’m committed to exploring it together, because I believe it is true.  I’m looking forward to jumping into this month’s theme, the gift of pluralism, and discovering how it might speak to this challenge.

One of the things that has changed recently is how you can reach me.  Email is the best way for non-urgent things – I’ve cleared out my inbox and have committed to keeping it at “Inbox Zero” (no unread emails) so it will stay easy to manage.  If you need to reach me more urgently, please call or text at my new dedicated Reeb number, 608-893-2146.  This will help me to maintain my personal phone as personal. 

I will continue my weekly schedule as you’ve been used to, with Mondays as my day off and Thursdays as my writing/study day, and will be only available for emergencies on those days.

I can’t wait to see you!

In faith and love, Karen

[May 1, 2024]