We’re getting new Principles and Purposes!
The Article II Study Commission has been working on this for two years, and they’ve submitted their report to the UUA Board this week, which contains the draft revision. This has been a collaborative process so far, and in keeping with our polity, will continue to be until the final vote at the 2024 General Assembly.
I am so very excited about this! I often talk about how Unitarian Universalism is a living tradition, how we change as we learn and grow and experience, and this work is the epitome of that process. The Seven Principles we know today were adopted in 1985, and our people and our institution have learned and grown so much since then.
We’ve grown in our understanding of community, moving through practices of tolerance and acceptance toward practices of radical inclusion.
We’ve learned, and continue to learn, the gifts and responsibilities of our interdependence.
We’ve come to intimately know the inevitability of continual change, and to feel how change within us and beyond us are deeply intertwined, and to know that deep work in community is required to support transformation.
We’ve learned to organize effectively for justice, and to ground ourselves in our theology of love to prepare ourselves for that work.
We’ve come to know the imperative and the call of building anti-racist, anti-oppressive community.
It’s time to express these learnings in the core statement of who we are as congregations and a faith movement- and I love how this new language does that. I hope you’ll read the report and the draft Article II, and I’m looking forward to talking with you about it!
In faith & love,