Minister’s Musings – Reconnecting 10/12/22

Minister’s Musings 10/12/22

I’m grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with colleagues this week, at our first in-person retreat in three years.  And for the study leave time that allows me to shift focus from everyday ministry to the big questions.  See you next week!

In faith and love,


This week’s question: What keeps you in ministry?

What keeps me in ministry is you.  I get to be with you as you’re doing some of the deepest work of your lives- the work of learning and practicing how to be fully yourselves in the context of this world, to work of grappling with knowing there’s a limit to your time on this earth, the work of making meaning out of your life events, the work of helping love and justice and freedom emerge.  I get to be with you as you mark your deepest milestones- the times in your lives when your breath is taken away by the enormity of being human.  And I get to do all this while learning and practicing how to be fully human myself.  It’s amazing, beautiful, humbling, grace-filled work, and I’m so grateful I get to do it with you.