Minister’s Musings – “Slowing Down” 12/14/22

As I prepare for the Winter Solstice and Christmas, I’m thinking about how this holiday season seems to have awakened the frenetic activity levels we engaged in before Covid, and how so many of us experienced a forced slowing down during the time of Covid-induced isolation.  So many of us experienced harm during that time, as we kept physical distance and tried to maintain routines while also trying so hard to nurture our human connections.  The individual and shared trauma was very real.  And at the same time, I learned some lessons about what’s most important as I navigated remote family and friends and community and work. 

One of those lessons had to do with prioritizing self care- it became so much more clear that I was of no use to anyone if I wasn’t taking care of my physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  I found that it exhausted me if I tried to keep up the pace of life I had been used to before Covid. 

So I learned to slow down.  I created deadlines with longer lead time.  I made sure I had time between Zoom meetings to let myself process the last one and prepare for the next one.  I pulled out my coloring books and used them to help my mind still before going to bed.  And now the holiday season is here, and there is oh so much to do, and it would be so easy to dive back into the old habit of trying to do all the things at once.  I’m trying to mind the lesson of slowing down and breathing. 

May we all remember the practices we need to keep us healthy in all the ways.

In faith and love,

