March Hymn of the Month: Sé que abrirá esta rosa (I Know This Rose Will Open)

Did you know we have hymnals en español? Las voces del camino (the “purple hymnal”) includes Spanish translations of songs from Singing the Living Tradition, plus additional songs from Spanish speaking cultures all over the world. This month offers a perfect opportunity to use Reeb’s collection of purple hymnals. Mary Grigolia’s “I Know This Rose Will Open” is a perfect hymn of the month for our theme of “Trust” and Ervin Barrios provides a beautiful version en español in the purple hymnal.  So this month, we will sing “I know this rose will open” or “Sé que abrirá esta rosa” in both inglés y español. Expect to sing it in a round at the music service on Sunday March 23.

Songleaders needed! 

Jennifer is seeking songleaders for our Music Ministry team. Songleaders will help lead congregational music on weeks that the choir is not singing in worship. This is a great opportunity for folks who love to sing, but cannot commit to Thursday night choir rehearsals. Email Jennifer at with questions or to get on the songleader email list!

Sacred Breath Choir

Sacred Breath Choir begins gathering again on Thursday August 29 from 7-8:30pm. Sacred Breath Choir welcomes folks of all voice types and musical backgrounds. We meet weekly on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm and sing at 1-2 worship services per month. Singing is nourishment for the mind, body, and spirit.  Nourish yourself and your community by joining Sacred Breath Choir! Email Jennifer at or chat with them during coffee hour if you have any questions.

Sacred Breath Choir with Ensemble Shamaali 2024: Photo Credit Kelly Kearns

Folk Group

This season we will meet on the first and third Saturdays of each month from 2pm – 3:30pm at Reeb. All are welcome! We have songbooks to sing and play from, and you are welcome to bring your favorites too. Come and sing with us! And bring an instrument if you’d like to play!

We are working on a few songs that we’ve been invited to offer during upcoming services: 

  • On March 23 we will be doing “My Church,” by Maren Morris and “If Not Now,” by Carrie Newcomer.
  • On April 6 we will be doing “Joy Revolution,” by Raye Zaragoza.

If you want to be added to the Reeb Folk Group mailing list, please contact Mike Stimson. You can also contact Mike if you have particular songs you want to share with the group and he will add them to the group music.

Please check this week’s newsletter or contact Mike Stimson to verify the next practice dates!

Please send an email to with any questions or thoughts you have about music ministry at JRUUC.

Click here for our congregation’s weekly email

More About Music and Choir