“Our Wild and Precious Lives” Small Group Ministry Starts Jan. 26th

Would you like a space in which you can talk with others about some of the big issues facing us in our lives?  Rev. Karen and Rev. Bowie will facilitate a monthly group together, titled after Mary Oliver’s famous poem “The Summer Day,” which asks “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?  Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  During the first session, we’ll ask participants to share is it that’s left for you to do in this wild and precious life?

This will be a drop-in opportunity – come once, or as often as you like.  The one-hour sessions will alternate between formats, with in-person sessions after worship on some Sundays, and online sessions via Zoom on some Tuesday evenings.  Here’s the schedule:

  • January 26 (Sunday) at 11:30 in person in the Reeb library
  • February 25 (Tuesday) at 6:30-7:30 pm – Zoom
  • March 30 (Sunday) at 11:30 in person in the Reeb library
  • April 29 (Tuesday) at 6:30-7:30 pm – Zoom
  • May 27 (Tuesday) at 6:30-7:30 pm – Zoom
  • June 29 (Sunday) at 11:30 in person in the Reeb library