Reflections from Listening Circles


Rev. Marlene Walker shared these reflections gleaned from Listening Circles held in September and October 2012.  This is part of the JRUUC Interim Ministry process.

What are the Healthiest, Most Life Giving, Aspects of JRUUC? 
1. Music/Choir 
2. Sense of Connection 
3. Caring Community 
4. Services – Sermons, Closing Circle, Joys and Sorrows 
5. Relationships 
6. Hospitality 
7. Tenacity –“stick to it-ness” 
8. Religious Education – Children and Adult 
9. Small Groups & Chalice Circles 
10. Participation – Trying new Things – Leadership 
Tell Me About Your Experience at JRUUC. 
1. Accepted 
2. Being part of a Tribe 
3. Conflict – upset, unsettledness, hurt feelings, mistrust 
4. Constantly in Flux 
5. Welcomed 
6. Disconnected 
7. Real 
8. Inclusive – Diversity welcomed 
9. Finding a Jewel 
10. Neighborhood 
Tell Me When You Felt Most Engaged, Alive. 
1. Choir, Music, Solstice 
2. Recent Remodel – “We Physically Built This” 
3. Sermons – both Receiving and Giving 
4. Social Justice Work – PJS 
5. Multigenerational Interactions 
6. Being of Service 
7. Coming of Age & OWL 
8. Leadership   
9. Chalice Circles 
10. Young Adult Group 
Magic Wand Wishes: 
1. Financial Stability and Security, Stewardship 
2. Healthy Thriving Music Program 
3. Consistent High Quality Services 
4. Youth Religious Education – families staying throughout kids growing up – Young Adult and Campus Ministry 
5. Training for Lay Leaders 
6. Sense of Purpose and Mission 
7. Covenant of Right Relations 
8. Minister who will take us as we are AND Lead us to where we need to be 
9. Growth – Tension between wanting more people and not growing too much 
10. Sound system upgrade and new chairs 
Rev. Walker’s Magic Wand Wishes: Move from “Getting By” to “Thriving”
1. Healing from recent conflicts and confusions 
2. Increased Stewardship and Financial stability and Planning 
3. Clear Sense of Purpose and Mission for the Future
4. More effective and clearer governance and structure 
Interim Priorities and Planning 
1. History Project: January – February 2013
Tell all the stories of  JRUUC and look at Patterns & Themes 
2. Create Covenant of Right Relations: March – June 2013  
 a. How do you want to promise to be with each other? 
 b. What Procedures will you put in place to hold yourselves accountable to that promise? 
3. Appreciative Inquiry: September 2013 – January 2014 
a. What is the mission and purpose, the vocation of JRUUC? 
b. What is JRUUC and what might JRUUC be in the future?