Family Offerings & Religious Education Summer Schedule

We are shifting into our summer schedule, with services at the regular 10:00 time, but RE classes will only happen on the third Sundays in July and August.  Those classes will be during the service, and we’ll have our monthly community meal afterwards. [6/30/24]

Volunteers Needed: Genevieve is looking to form an RE team to better serve the needs of children and families at Reeb. If you are someone who is interested in teaching, providing nursery care, or just have an interest in planning for RE please see Genevieve after the service or email her at

Community Meal: We are always looking for volunteers to help cook for our community meals! Vegan, vegetarian, Gluten/Dairy Free items are always appreciated! Please contact Genevieve at to sign up with a dish! Your support is what helps us be able to continue this important community building and fellowship. Thank you!

Religious Exploration for Adults after the Service (First Sunday)

Watch this space for information about adult RE opportunities beginning again in the fall of 2024

More about Religious Education for Children and Youth