Mark your calendars for the annual rummage sale Friday May 3, 11 am to 5 pm, and Saturday May 4, 8 am to 2 pm. This event is great for finding all kinds of treasure, and for building community.
We have books, CD’s, DVD’s, tapes, magazines, household and kitchen items, jewelry, art, sporting equipment, toys for all ages, household decor, camping gear, and lots of sunglasses!
Set-up will be Friday May 3 from 10 to 11 am. We really need volunteers May 4 for take-down after 2 pm! Volunteers are also needed during the sale. Sign up sheets for shifts will be posted on the JRUUC News and Events board in the hallway off the narthex. Click here to sign up online.
Contacts: Jane Aldrich or Cindy Rudd to volunteer or for questions or send a message to
Donation drop-offs can still be made – drop off in the front classroom any time the building is open. We cannot accept clothing but anything else in good condition is welcome. Books, CDs, household items, sports equipment etc…