Save the Date – Nov. 11th Reeb Rave

We have picked a date for our annual fundraising event and party, the “Reeb Rave” auction and dinner – Nov 11th , 5:30 – 8:30pm at James Reeb!

This event has become one of the most important fundraisers for our congregation over the years, and one of the most fun socializing events. We plan to return again to an in-person event this year including dinner, live entertainment and auction bidding. We will also provide online bidding and a Zoom social component like last year.

Start thinking of what you can donate. Suggestions will be posted on our website soon.

We are soliciting suggestions for a theme and seeking volunteers to help with the event, including soliciting businesses for donations, providing entertainment and helping with food preparation. Last year we had some
wonderful singing, music, stories and poetry.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact Tom McClintock. Stay tuned and thank you.
Tom McClintock – Chair Reeb Rave