Small Group Ministries
Offering and Receiving
Connection, Support, and Spiritual Practice
Check your weekly email for Zoom links and contact info, and for any scheduling changes.
A New Small Group Ministry: “Our Wild and Precious Lives”
Rev. Karen and Rev. Bowie co-facilitate this monthly group, titled after Mary Oliver’s famous poem “The Summer Day,” which asks “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
This is a drop-in opportunity – come once, or as often as you like. The one-hour sessions alternate between formats, with in-person sessions after worship on some Sundays, and online sessions via Zoom on some Tuesday evenings. Here’s the schedule:
- January 26 (Sunday) at 11:30 in person in the Reeb library
- February 25 (Tuesday) at 6:30-7:30 pm – Zoom
- March 30 (Sunday) at 11:30 in person in the Reeb library
- April 29 (Tuesday) at 6:30-7:30 pm – Zoom
- May 27 (Tuesday) at 6:30-7:30 pm – Zoom
- June 29 (Sunday) at 11:30 in person in the Reeb library
Tuesday, February 25th, will be our first Zoom session – if attendance is significantly different from last month’s first in person session, we’ll ask participants to share what it is that’s left for you to do in this wild and precious life. If the same people attend, we’ll choose one of the questions posed at the first meeting to discuss. Please check the newsletter for the Zoom link.
What Moves Us – Second Sundays through June 2025, 6:30-8:00 p.m. (on Zoom)
This monthly workshop invites participants to explore Unitarian Universalist thought while reflecting on our personal beliefs and the feelings or events that helped shape them. Adapted from a UU curriculum, “What Moves Us” draws on the life experiences of ten Unitarians and Universalists, past and present, that brought them a change of heart, hope, or direction. Newcomers are always welcome. Contact What Moves Us or Sarah Cook for information or to be added to our email list.
Meditation with Friends – Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 (on Zoom)
Beginners are welcome! Hosted by Susan Podebradsky. Mindfulness and meditation help us strengthen the ability to be more aware of the truth of the present moment and choose our actions instead of simply being propelled forward by habit. We open with a brief opening reading followed by a a few minutes of guided meditation and then silent meditation (12 minutes total). We follow that with a few minutes to chat about the reading, the meditation, or mindfulness in everyday life. We close with another 2 minutes of silent meditation to carry us out into the world. We are currently reading from Joan Halifax‘s contemplative card deck “In a Moment, In a Breath – 55 Meditations to Cultivate a Courageous Heart.”
Sacred Breath Choir – Thursdays 7:00 pm (Resumes August 29, 2024)
Sacred Breath Choir meets weekly on Thursdays to build community through song. They also share their musical gifts with the larger JRUUC community once or twice a month at Worship. Sacred Breath Choir is currently on summer break. We hope you’ll join us in spirit and song this fall!
The first rehearsal of Sacred Breath Choir for the 2024-25 church year is on Thursday August 29 from 7-8:30pm. Sacred Breath welcomes folks of all voice types and musical backgrounds (including people with no experience whatsoever!) We meet weekly on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm and sing at 1-2 services a month. At rehearsals, choir members warm-up their voices and bodies, learn pieces for Sunday services, sing for the joy of it, and connect with fellow Reebers. Singing is nourishment for the mind, body, and spirit. Nourish yourself and your community by joining Sacred Breath Choir!
Email our Music Director Jennifer Hedstrom if you have questions or comments about choir or music at JRUUC. Click for more information.
JRUUC Folk Music Gatherings
This is an informal gathering of Reebers who enjoy playing and singing folk songs together. This group will occasionally decide to offer music for a Sunday service, but there’s no expectation for this. Come to as many sessions as you’d like! Bring your voice and/or instrument. Meetings are usually the 1st and 3rd Saturdays 2:00-3:30, but check your enews or contact Mike Stimson to be added to our email list.
Covenant Groups
Covenant Groups are part of the Adult Religious Exploration Program at JRUUC. Groups are randomly created at the start of each church year, based on the availability of people interested, and they meet monthly. They are closed groups, for confidentiality and community-building, and are made up of 6 to 10 people plus a facilitator. They have several purposes: to build relationships through the practice of deep listening, and to practice shared ministry with each other and our congregation as a whole. Please see this brochure for more information. New groups will begin in September 2025