Ukrainian Egg Decorating Workshop Fundraiser 3/29 1-4pm

Join in the artistic fun and meditative state of Ukrainian Egg Decorating, aka Pysanky, with a donation to Reeb!  Pysanky is the ancient art of layering wax and dyes to create beautiful designs.  Attend the whole time, or for as much as you are able; people seem to prefer about 45 min to an hour per egg.  All supplies available.  Hosted by sisters Kris and Karol Niemann.  Bring your friends and family!  Suggested donation:  $20-40+, 100% of which will go to JRUUC.  No one will be turned away for inability to donate, but space will be limited to the Multipurpose Room.

You can use this link to donate online, and please mention this workshop in the “comment” section. You can also donate at the event. Thanks!