We have a ministerial candidate: Karen Quinlan!

The Ministerial Search Committee is excited to introduce ministerial candidate Karen Quinlan to the members and friends of JRUUC through a variety of meetings and gatherings during candidating week, April 26-May 4, 2014

Karen has this to say on her website (http://www.karenquinlan.com/) about her ministry: "The new ministry I hope for will nurture our selves and each other – and it will turn that nurturing outward to make real change beyond ourselves. We will look deeply within, and as we reflect on our own lives and on the meaning we find in our religious community, we will find ourselves longing to reach outward, to work toward justice and equity in our world. We will learn what is needed in our community, listening to those we serve, and we will partner with other groups who are doing the work of justice. At the same time, we will remain deeply committed to our own congregation – caring for each other, learning from each other, and dreaming together."

Karen and her family will come to Madison for candidating week April 26-May 4, 2014. The Congregational Meeting to vote on calling her will take place immediately after worship service on Sunday May 4, 2014.