Weekly News – More

We Need You!

There’s so much to do to support JRUUC’s transition back to having in-person gatherings! How would you like to help? Here’s a partial (and growing) list of opportunities:

Audio/visual operator for Sunday services – if you have any tech experience, this will be pretty easy for you, and Mike Stimson will teach you everything you need to know!

Zoom host for Sunday services – we’re still in need of a few more people who can do this, to lighten the load on the three folx who are doing it (and lots of other things) now; Rachel Avery will train and support you!

In-person greeters for Sunday mornings – this role requires that you be vaccinated, and Rev. Karen has a list of the things you’ll need to do

Religious Education teachers for in-person RE (for children and youth older than 5)!! Mandy will train you!People to straighten out our storage areas, and discard unneeded items – Rev. Karen will work with you on this

Please contact Ansley or Rev. Karen to offer your time and talent!

Nominate an organization to receive our Share the Plate

Do you know of a local organization that supports UU principles and you think needs financial support? Please look over the Share the Plate guidelines and use the nomination form on the website . If you have questions, contact Julia Richards who is now coordinating Share the Plate.

Our February theme: “Widening the Circle”

This month’s theme invites us to consider the social, spiritual, or political circles we make, find, maintain, leave, and/or break. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.

Check-in question: How has your definition of racism widened or shifted since you were younger?

American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it.

— James Baldwin