Weekly News – Music

We will be gathering this Thursday, February 24th   6:45pm… in person…

If you have been vaccinated and are willing to adhere to wearing a singing mask and keeping social distance, we can have up to 21 people in the sanctuary for choir rehearsal.Please RSVP me, Heather Yonker at music@jruuc.org to confirm your participation this Thursday.  Also, make a weekly RSVP common practice for attending in person.I will continue to provide a virtual option.If you have sung in choir in the past but took a break, this would be a great time to return!If you have never come to sing with us but have been wanting to…. Come Thursday!

During Sacred Breath gatherings we balance our activities with greetings, covenant, and deep breathing. We prepare and listen. We investigate hymns and sometimes their contextual history, the music itself, and/or the lyrics, as well as special music related to our monthly themes. We are an open circle and would love for you to join us. There are many options for levels or types of participation. Specially designed singer’s masks are available, and we practice social distancing.

Here’s the link!   Meeting ID: 845 1860 8756     Passcode: 004435

On PBS, under American Masters, you can learn more about Marion Anderson’s 5 Firsts!  Her success challenged racial typecasting, singing for the Metropolitan Opera and the State Department.

Also powerfully moving is their episode “Holly Near” – Singing For Our LivesThe life of Holly Near, an outspoken political activist and singer-songwriter that is said to have bent the arc of justice forward, with added commentary from family, friends and collaborators.

If you would like to practice hymns for this week:

153 “Oh, I Woke Up This Morning”    
170 “We Are a Gentle, Angry People”                       

I hope you know that at any time, if you have strong responses to the music selections at JRUUC that you would feel comfortable contacting me to discuss music@jruuc.org

Blessings, Heather Yonker, Director of Music, James Reeb UUC