What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism

Our Unitarian Universalist Association Bylaws (as revised in June 2024) include an expression of who we are, focusing on our shared values – Equity, Generosity, Interdependence, Justice, Pluralism, and Transformation – and centering around Love. You can read the full text of our values here.
Graphic Credit: Tanya Webster
UUA Joins Lawsuit to Protect Sanctuary Space
The UUA has joined with 27 other religious bodies and denominations in filing a lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s new policy that allows immigration raids, arrests, and other enforcement actions at houses of worship.
“As Unitarian Universalists, fighting for justice and liberation for all people is at the heart of our faith tradition, which recognizes the spark of the divine inherent in every person,” said UUA Executive Vice President Carey McDonald. “Our sacred spaces must continue to offer sanctuary to those who face oppression, violence, or alienation, including immigrant communities.”
Click here to read the UU World article on this lawsuit. And please share widely.
And here are some other UUA resources relevant to these times:
- Community Resilience Hub
- ICE and Immigration Enforcement in Congregations
- Expanding Sanctuary
- Wisdom and inspiration from UUA President, the Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt. [2/18/25]
General Assembly 2025 will be a multiplatform event! GA registration, choir registration, and housing reservations are open now. The early bird discount for registration ends on March 31. Click here for more information.
The UUA offers several ways for UUs to engage in the work of justice in our world. Each has opportunities for learning and action!
Be Part of Your UUA’s Social Witness Processes!
The UUA Commission on Social Witness oversees the collective social witness process among Unitarian Universalist Association member congregations and groups. Their mission is to amplify emerging social action, promote connections, and nurture accountable social witness across the Association. They facilitate two different types of social witness statements: Statements of Conscience (SOCs), which arise from Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAIs), and Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs).
Congregation Study/Action Items:
Three proposed CSAIs passed the congregational vote, so they will be admitted to the agenda for the UUA General Assembly 2025. The three moving forward are:
- Housing: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Thursday, April 10
- Fat Liberation: Building Justice and Liberation for Large Bodies, Thursday, April 17
- Abolition As Faith Formation, Tuesday, April 22
The next stage of this process is that we will hold on-line, zoom feedback sessions so congregants from across the country can join in to hear more about each of the CSAIs and offer comments and feedback. The dates of the Feedback Sessions are next to each of the CSAIs and the zoom links will be published soon!
Learn About Congregational Study Action Issues and the process for 2024-2025.
Actions of Immediate Witness:
There’s lots to take action about these days. If you want UU’s across the country to support your justice efforts, consider submitting an AIW for this year’s General Assembly.
March 18: Submission for draft AIWs opens. Any AIWs submitted between March 18th and April 12th will receive CSW feedback. This allows submitters to get feedback about whether they meet criteria, and an opportunity to revise if needed.
After April 12: any submissions after April 12th will continue through the process only if they meet all the criteria without revision.
Friday, May 12 – Deadline for proposed AIWs. These will be posted and distributed to congregations.
Details can be found here. [3/12/25]
Love Resists activates people of faith and conscience to resist the harm inflicted by criminalization, to create safer, more just, welcoming, and sustainable communities. Click here to learn about current actions, and to download resources and tools to bring the Love Resists campaign to your community by expanding sanctuary, growing solidarity, and raising your voice.
UUs support the use of inclusive democratic processes to make decisions within our congregations, our Association, and society at large, and UU the Vote engages in year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy. Wisconsin is a key state for UU the Vote’s action initiatives. Click here to learn how you can get involved in getting out the vote.
Click here to find out more about WUUSAN our state-wide organization.
A public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression, with four intersectional justice priorities:
Climate Justice, Decriminalization, Democracy, and Reproductive Justice & Trans Rights. Click here to learn more. We build strong movements when we take action together. Organize teams and networks that can take these actions together, and get support on practical organizing skills and support at our Organizing School and Skill Up resources. Side with Love offers two ways to take concrete action:
Weekly Action Update features essential resources, upcoming events, and spiritual reflection to support work across our intersectional priority areas. Click here to view this week’s update!
The Gathering – second Mondays at 7:00 pm – a new monthly virtual event designed to offer:
- Spiritual grounding – strengthen your heart and spirit for the work ahead
- Political analysis – understand the threats to democracy and justice
- Collective action – organize with others to block anti-democratic forces and build a just and loving world
Click here for more information and to register to receive the Zoom link for The Gathering.
General Assembly 2024 Update
The Annual General Assembly of Congregations is over – and there’s lots to know about what happened! Listen to Rev. Karen’s reflection from Sunday, July 7 to hear all about it. If you’re wondering what decisions were made by the delegates at GA, you can click on any of these links:
Amendments were discussed, and then this version of Article II of the UUA Bylaws was passed.
This Revision to UUA Bylaw Section 7.13 on Religious Education Credentialing Committee was passed.
This Business Resolution, “Affirming Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex and Gender Diverse People as a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values,” was passed.
These three Actions of Immediate Witness were passed:
- “World on Fire: Humanitarian Work and Climate Change”
- “Centering Love Amidst the Ongoing Impact of COVID-19”
- “Solidarity with Palestinians”
A Responsive Resolution, “UUA General Assembly Support for October 7 Hostages,” passed.
If you missed the sessions that were open to the public, including Sunday worship, you can view them here.