How We Worship Together

Sunday worship services begin at 10:00 am. All are welcome.
We gather each Sunday in person for services and offer Zoom attendance online as well. Please click here for information about upcoming services. We have time for socializing in person after each service, and also a “Zoom coffee hour” for folks attending from home. Children are welcome, and we also offer other opportunities for children and youth beyond the Sunday service.
Worship services reflect the Fourth Principle of the Unitarian Universalist Association, “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” and respect the varied religious beliefs and experiences among congregants. Services usually include music, time for silent reflection, an opportunity for members to state their “joys and sorrows,” and an affirmation of our commitment to exist as a community.
Our services are led by our minister, a guest minister, a Worship Associate, or someone from within the congregation or community. The Worship Team welcomes ideas for services and helps members develop services from their ideas.
Religious Education classes and childcare are evolving since the pandemic. We often involve children in the service, offer learning opportunities outside of the sanctuary or service time, and offer gatherings for families as well. We always have our nursery room available for parents with very young children to use during services. Check here for current news about R.E. and Family Ministry at Reeb.
A period of fellowship follows the service, sometimes with a meal or refreshment.
Visitors are always welcome!
Click Here For Upcoming Services
Click Here For Past Services and Recordings of Reflections
What to Expect in Multiplatform Worship at JRUUC
If you attend in person
Please arrive before 10:00 so you have time to find a seat before the service starts.
If you would like a mask, just ask a greeter and they will give you one.
You’ll be offered consent stickers at the door, with different colors indicating your level of comfort in interpersonal interactions:
- Green = “I welcome you to be within 6 feet of me, and ask for a hug or other contact”
- Yellow = “I welcome you to be within 6 feet of me, but please don’t touch”
- Red = “Please maintain 6 feet or more of physical distance between us”
If you would like to socialize after worship in a space where everyone is masked, please go to our library, which is located off the foyer directly across from the sanctuary doors.
However you attend
The order of service can be found on our website beginning on Saturday here. It’s at the bottom of the page for this week’s service. A small number of printed orders of service will also be available in the sanctuary.
We’ll take a live offering, and you can also donate via our website. The link will be up on the monitor during the offering, and there will be a scannable code to the link in the printed order of service.
Joys and Sorrows will be offered in the multiplatform setting. In-person attendees are invited to fill out a card with your name and what you’d like to share, and virtual participants are invited to share in the chat after the offering is received. Rev. Karen will light a candle and read your words.
In-person and virtual coffee hour will happen after worship ends each week.
If you have a questions about one of our past services please complete the form below and we will get back to you.