Stewardship: the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. (Merriam-Webster)
Stewardship is more than fundraising. While fundraising is about the needs of our congregation, stewardship is about our spiritual need to give. Through the giving of our time, talent, and treasure, we take care of the Beloved Community that has been entrusted to our care.
The Stewardship Team has put together an FAQ for anyone with questions about pledging:
How much should I pledge to JRUUC?
We rely on the generosity of our members and friends to exist, and like most households, our expenses increase every year. Please give as generously as possible. This contribution guide provides additional information to consider to determine the right level for your pledge.
My pledge is just the right amount of money at this time. Do I need to do anything?
Answer: No, there’s no need to do anything if you are giving electronically and give monthly. If you give by some other means (e.g. once a year by check), it would be helpful to confirm your annual contribution through the online commitment form. And if your situation changes at any time during the year and you are able to increase your ongoing contribution, please contact our administrator.
My Aunt Sophie gave me $1,000.00 and I wish to make an extra donation for that amount. How do I do that?
Answer: For a one time credit card donation, go to complete our online donation form. For a one-time check, send to the office and make out to JRUUC, 2146 E. Johnson St.,Madison 53704.
If I have my pledge taken out of my checking account and I wish to change it to something else, how do I do that? What if I donate via credit card?
If your pledge is taken out via my credit card from the online-giving page, you will have received an email from “DonorBox” which will contain instructions for changing your recurring amount. If you can’t login, please contact our Administrator to make these changes on your behalf.
I am anticipating a raise in my salary, but will not know the amount until later in the year. Can I change my pledge then?
Answer: Yes, you may change it anytime.
If I change my pledge, when does it take effect?
Answer: If you use the online form it will take effect on the effective date provided, or if you contact our administrator, on the effective date that you give her.
I have moved and joined another congregation. How do I cancel my pledge altogether?
Answer: Contact the JRUUC office 608-242-8887.
I see I can ask someone from the Stewardship Team to talk to about this. How do I get in touch with someone?
Answer: please contact the JRUUC office or Rev. Karen and someone from the Stewardship Team will reach out to you, or message us here.
I give money on my own by sending in a check, putting cash in the basket,etc. and I am planning on changing my pledge amount, what do I do?
Answer: Please fill out the online commitment change form so that we can plan our congressional finances accordingly.