This Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Centering in Black History for a New Day – Our worship leaders (Leila Pine, Randy Coloni, and Virginia Harrison) have recently participated in Justified Anger’s “Black History for a New Day” course, and will offer some reflections on that experience.
Children and Youth – “Youth in Session” – Young people will be in service until after the Time For All Ages. Then, our DRE Genevieve or other adults will escort them into a learning space to focus on the month’s theme with activities and discussion. There will be no busy hands table
Donate to Share the Plate – Neighborhood Food Solutions brings agricultural and business training to communities where it is needed the most. It is organized and operated exclusively to conduct charitable and educational activities related to urban agriculture, healthy food, and skills related to growing, distributing, and processing fresh produce.
Sign up here for our Weekly E-news including zoom links
Events Calendar (click for complete calendar)
Music Notes
The Sacred Breath Choir will gather on Thursday, January 12 at 7:00 pm to prepare special music for later this month. Please send an email to with any questions or thoughts you have about music ministry at JRUUC.
Shared Music this week:
- Hymn #298 “Wake, Now, My Senses”
- “Awake the Sacred Fire” by Bernice Martin
- Hymn #169 “We Shall Overcome”
We have started the search for a new Music Director! Please share with your networks.
Click here for more music and choir information…
Meditation Group Online – Wednesday Jan. 11th at 6:30 – Newcomers welcome
Octavia’s Parables Reflection Group – Sundays 1:00-2:00
Journaling Group – Monday 7-8pm 1/16/23 contact Jean Skinner.
Minister’s Availability – Click for Rev. Karen’s Office Hours
Our January theme: The Path of Finding Our Center
Our January theme invites us to cultivate calm and peace- and to invite unrest and discomfort in our work to create calm and peace in the world. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.
Check-in question: What three things most moved you toward your center this past year?
It took many years of vomiting up all the filth I’d been taught about myself, and half-believed, before I was able to walk on the earth as though I had a right to be here. — James Baldwin

Minister’s Musings – I’ve been thinking about the quote we share in this week’s email from James Baldwin, in the context of the service that’s happening this Sunday. I’m struck by Mr. Baldwin’s description of internalized oppression… Read the most recent post here
RE & Family Ministry Update – Family Input Sought!
- Because January has five Sundays this will be considered our second Sunday, with our RE classes happening on the third Sunday, next week.
- However this week after the service Genevieve will be hosting an informal meeting with any and all youth and parents who wish to attend about the direction of RE for the coming year. If you cannot attend this meeting feel free to send any thoughts about the coming years RE program to contact Genevieve.
- We are excited to announce our plan to begin a Coming Of Age program this year at JRUUC. All parents and youth interested in Coming of Age should contact Genevieve with their youth’s name and age so we can begin planning an age appropriate curriculum. Any adults in the congregation who are interested in assisting with our Coming of Age Program should also contact Genevieve.

Click for more about DRE Genevieve McPherson-Shambarger and Religious Education & Family Ministry
MLK Weekend Events with the King Coalition
Saturday, January 14 – Monday, January 16
- January 14: MLK College Readiness & Success Summit and “I Have A Dream” Scholarship Ball
- January 15: Urban League Outstanding Young Person Awards, and MLK Ecumenical Service at First Unitarian Society, (Rev. Karen is one of the speakers)
- January 16: MLK Day Youth Call to Service, and 38th Annual MLK Day Observance – Observance features Donzaleigh Abernathy, daughter of Rev. Ralph Abernathy and Goddaughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., and includes the traditional freedom songs sing-in led by Tamera Stanley and MLK Community Choir
See the King Coalition’s website for more information and the full event schedule.
Justified Anger’s Black History for a New Day Course Begins Feb. 6th
“I thought I understood and had learned about slavery, Jim Crow and segregation, but this course taught me, without any blame or guilt, how much I never knew about the history and lives of Black people around me, and how to get involved in improving the lives of our Black community and families in the Madison area.”
This course will be offered at 7:00-9:00 pm on Monday evenings, February 6 through April 17. Please contact Leila Pine for details, and to participate in a group with other Reeb members. Registration Deadline is January 15th.
Sustainable Saturday Night: It’s Time for a New Year’s Revolution! Saturday, January 28 at 6:00 pm
For almost 3 years Sustainable Saturdays (the 4th Saturday of the month) have been only held in the virtual format. Join us this month for the return to our “In-person Roots” at JRUUC. Doors will open at 6:00pm and program will start at 6:30 pm. This will NOT be a potluck, though any who wish are free to bring and/or share snacks and beverages. Masks may be required at this event, when not presenting, eating, or drinking.
Program: Come learn more about the Wisconsin Tour for Justice and Democracy – An eight-week statewide tour that will cover over 1,000 miles, host eight Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate forums, and help to promote collective liberation and justice for all. This event will be both an in-person and virtual event. Please RSVP by going here. If you are able to help us host or promote this event or the Tour, please call Timothy Cordon.
Social Justice Update
Click for details all in one place and signup for emails and zoom links for our Justice Leadership Team Meetings
8th Principle Team – Racial Justice Meetings & Events
Rev. Karen and the 8th Principle Project Team are facilitating a number of activities in the near future to help us learn more and take actions to dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institution. Here are our offerings to engage you in this critical justice work- please see our website for details on each.
- “Racial Justice at JRUUC- a Facilitated Discussion” Sunday, January 22 at 4:00-6:00
- Book Discussion: Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad: a 4-week series on Sundays at 1:00-3:00 pm, starting on February 12 “This work is not an intellectual exercise or a mental thought experiment. When we talk about racism, we are talking about people’s lives.” — Layla F. Saad. From Jeanette Clawson, 8th Principle Project Team leader: “My first time working through this book I took a deeper look into white saviorism and how it played a role in my choice of choosing to adopt black boys. My introspection and discussions with my sons have improved our relationship as a consequence of joining this book circle. Please join me as I again do the deep work of continuing to uncover the remaining vestiges of white supremacy culture that remain in myself.”
- “Building Our Racial Awareness” – a monthly open discussion on Zoom, Fourth Sundays of each month starting on February 26
If you have questions or comments on these offerings or the 8th Principle Project, please contact Team members Randy Coloni, Erik Gunn, Eva Wingren, and Jeanette Clawson by using this form. Or talk with us during coffee hour!
We look forward to working with you on this important effort.
How was the audio and video last Sunday?
We’ve been trying out our new AV system during Sunday worship, and would like to hear about your in-person or virtual experience. Please email Rev. Karen with your feedback.
Snow Lottery Season!
Here is the link to sign up for our “Snow Lottery” – Sign up for a week at a time and if it snows, clear our sidewalks with provided shovels and sand/salt. You “win” the lottery when it snows, if you like shoveling, or when it doesn’t snow, if you would prefer not to shovel. Either way, we are grateful for your willingness to serve. Many thanks to the folks who helped clear snow already!
JRUUC Is Hiring…
We are currently accepting applications for an Office Aministrator, and a Music Director.
All posted positions are part time, and per JRUUC policy, “employment with the church is not open to members of the congregation except in rare and unusual circumstances.”
Please share this link with your networks! Applicants should send their resume with a cover letter to Rev. Karen.
Click here for job descriptions and to learn more…
Courtesy Parking Reminder
Please leave the parking directly next to the building (across from El Sabor and Milio’s) for those with mobility issues, small children, or things to carry into the building. Thanks!
Small Group Ministry – See your weekly newsletter for Zoom links
- Wednesday – Meditation Group 6:30-7 on zoom
- Thursday – Sacred Breath Choir – 7pm – Next meeting is Jan. 12th
- Sunday – Octavia’s Parables Reflection Group 1-2 (on zoom)
- Monday – Journaling Group – every other Monday, 7-8 on zoom or in person. Next meeting is 1/16, contact Jean Skinner.
Click here for group descriptions
NOTE: Deadline for Announcements is Tuesday at 10 p.m. Submit announcements for the website any time. Please send your announcement to and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email
What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism
Seminary for a Day at First Unitarian Portland, Saturday, January 28
You are invited to join First Unitarian Portland virtually for Seminary for a Day on Saturday, January 28, at First Unitarian Portland. This year’s spiritual theme is Transcendentalism. Click for details
- New President nominee
- 8th Principle Work at the national level
- Revising the Principles and Purposes (Article 2)
- UU the Vote
- Side With Love – social action
- UUA News
Upcoming Services – Recent Past Services