This Sunday 12/11/22 –
- Out There and In Here – with Rev. Karen Armina. “Religious naturalism” wrote UU William Murry in his book Reason and Reverence, “is a perspective that finds religious meaning in the natural world and rejects the notion of a supernatural realm.” This morning, we’ll explore the relationship between scientific and spiritual ways of knowing and making meaning. Learn more here.
- Children and Youth – Our youngest folks stay in the service this week
- Donate to Share the Plate – Community Action Coalition of South Central of Wisconsin. The CAC is a nonprofit working to end poverty and help people live better lives.
- Bring essentials and warm clothing for Porchlight and Just Dane – click for list
Sign up here to receive our Weekly E-news in your inbox.

Welcome Genevieve, our new Director of Religious Education!
Click here to learn more about her and Religious Education & Family Ministry at Reeb!
Coming up soon…
Blue Holiday Vespers, Wednesday Dec. 7th at 5:30
The winter holidays are usually framed around peace and joy and hope, and if you’re not feeling those themes right now, you’re not alone. You’re invited to this evening service, where we’ll share and ritualize the losses, fears, regrets, and sorrows we’re feeling this holiday season, in the space we make sacred together. This service will be streamed via Zoom, and in-person participants will be asked to sign in at the door.
Meditation Group Online – Wednesday Dec. 7th at 6:30
Sacred Breath Choir Rehearsal, Thursday Dec. 8th at 6:15 (special time)
Special time, in preparation for Winter Solstice Celebration on Saturday Dec. 17th. – Click here for more music and choir information…
Deck the Halls! Friday, December 9 at 5:30 pm (new time)
We get to decorate our building for the holiday season this year! We’ll put up our tree and hang garland and lights. Please bring a sweet treat to share, if you can. All are welcome! Hosted by Rev. Karen.
Many Hands Work Day Saturday, Dec. 10 9-noon
Mark your calendar and come help work on our shared building. Join us anytime from 9 am to noon. We’ll have tasks for all ages and abilities as well as coffee, tea and snacks.
A Gathering of Greeters: Sunday, December 11 after Service
If you are currently on our Greeter List, or have a desire to be, please join us in the multi-purpose room at 11:30 on Sunday, December 11. We’ll spend a little time getting to know one another, provide an orientation (or re-orientation) on our greeting protocols, and for those who are comfortable, we’ll share a simple lunch of soup and salad prepared by the Membership Team in gratitude for your service. If you are uncomfortable sharing a meal at this time, you’re welcome to some “soup-to-go”! Direct questions or RSVP to Peggy Haack.
Octavia’s Parables Group on Zoom – Sunday Dec. 11th at 1:00
Winter Solstice Celebration – Saturday, December 17 at 5:00 pm
The JRUUC Sacred Breath Choir and Rev. Karen are delighted to offer this event in person for the first time since 2019! The evening is a deep ritual and celebration of the light that shines within and between us, with songs, reflections, silence, and candlelight. Please contact Rev. Karen if you’re interested in or curious about being a reader for this special evening. The service will also be streamed via Zoom.
Holiday Craft and Bake Sale Sunday Dec. 18th
Dec. 18th before and after service you can shop for treasures and treats at our tables in the lobby. We will have hand made items including dishcloths, recycled t-shirt bags and bibs, and fabric bookmarks. We will also have a variety of cookies, candies and other baked goods. We would welcome your handmade items and/or baked goods. Remember to bring extra cash. You will want to satisfy your sweet tooth and do some last minute shopping. Contact Cindy Rudd if you have questions.
Porchlight Holiday Wish List & Just Dane Winter Clothing Drive – Through 12/18
For over a decade, JRUUC members supported Porchlight, a non-profit organization that provides services and shelter to Madison’s homeless population, by preparing a monthly meal. COVID changed things and churches could no longer provide safe shelter or meals. But we can still help!
Let’s fill a laundry basket or two with much needed items on the Porchlight Holiday Wish List. These are items you regularly shop for: cleaning supplies, household supplies, and typical hygiene items. Pick up a list from the foyer (or check the list here online) and add something to your shopping list. Drop off by Dec. 21st or earlier.
In addition, we will be helping Just Dane to collect warm hats, gloves, socks and long underwear for adults and children. These will be taken to the Just Dane office in time for the annual Longest Night Homeless Persons Memorial Service on Dec. 21.
And if you’re looking for gifts to give, check out PorchlightProducts at .
Deliver to Reeb by Dec. 18th
Click here for a .pdf of the Porchlight & Just Dane wish lists.
Journaling Group – Monday, Dec. 19th 7pm on Zoom
Carols and Coffee on Sunday, December 25 at 10:00 am
Instead of our regular Sunday worship, we’ll have a shortened service and sing a few traditional Christmas songs together. Please bring a sweet treat to share for a festive coffee hour.
8th Principle Team News
- A Zoom discussion “Racial Justice at JRUUC” 1/22 4-6pm
- A Book group – Sundays 1-3 2/12-4/2 “Me and White Supremacy”
- Monthly Zoom discussions “Building Our Racial Awareness” 4th Sunday 4-6 beginning 2/26
Click for all the details and to sign up or ask questions!
Caring Tree Update
Jeanette Clawson writes: I am so grateful to work with the volunteers who make this network of support possible. Now that we are coming into the darkest time of the year it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves and each other. I want to remind you of our visits team if you are in the hospital or shut in at home. Karol and/or Jeanette can reach out to the members of our visits team and can be reached through the Caring Tree page on the James Reeb website.
Courtesy Parking Reminder
Please leave the parking directly next to the building (across from El Sabor and Milio’s) for those with mobility issues, small children, or things to carry into the building.
Snow Lottery Season!
Here is the link to sign up for our “Snow Lottery” – Sign up for a week at a time and if it snows, clear our sidewalks with provided shovels and sand/salt. You “win” the lottery when it snows, if you like shoveling, or when it doesn’t snow, if you would prefer not to shovel. Either way, we are grateful for your willingness to serve.
JRUUC Is Hiring…
We’re accepting applications for these part-time positions. Please share with your networks!
- Office Administrator
- Cleaner
Click here for job descriptions and to learn more…
Minister’s Availability
Events Calendar (click for complete calendar)
Snow Lottery (Removal) Sign-up
Our December Theme: The Path of Wonder – Our December theme invites us to notice the things within, between, and around us that inspire a sense of wonder, and to make meaning out of it. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.
Check-in question: What was your first experience of wonder?
Joy is the gift of love. Grief is the price of love. Anger protects that which is loved. And when we think we have reached our limit, wonder is the act that returns us to love. — Valerie Kaur
Minister’s Musings – The Practice of Wondering … Read more
Small Group Ministry – See your weekly newsletter for Zoom links
- Wednesday – Meditation Group 6:30-7 on zoom
- Thursday – Sacred Breath Choir – meet 12/8 at 6:15 – note change from last week’s info!
- Sunday – Octavia’s Parables Discussion Group 1-2 (on zoom) – Next meeting is 12/11/22
- Monday – Journaling Group – every other Monday, 7-8 on zoom or in person. Next meeting is 12/19
Click here for group descriptions
NOTE: Deadline for Announcements is Tuesday at 10 p.m. Submit announcements for the website any time. Please send your announcement to and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email
Social Justice Update – click for details all in one place about the events below and more
- Porchlight Wish List & Clothing Drive for Just Dane
- 8th Principle News
- Longest Night 12/21
- JRUUC Works for Justice! – Signup for emails and zoom links
Membership Gatherings – click for details, invitation for new greeters
What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism – Click Here for More About…
- 8th Principle Work at the national level
- Revising the Principles and Purposes (Article 2)
- UU the Vote
- Side With Love – social action
- UUA News